Lisbon students served more than 150 people over the age of 60 as part of the Project 60 event, a student council service project.
Student council representative J’Nee Reade said that the project is the second thing that students tackle each year, with planning starting after Homecoming.
“With 54 students, and meeting every Tuesday, there’s opportunities for students to be involved in small portions of each project,” Reade said. “Somehow, all those little projects coalesce into this event.”
Things like the menu are planned with the help of kitchen staff every year, and students are responsible for serving meals to those in attendance, including beverages and desserts.
Music was provided by the Lisbon high school choir, Lisbon band, several small groups and the Lisbon elementary school students during the event in the Lions Den.
“I just love meeting so many new senior citizens and the stories they have to tell,” said Caleb Ross. “It is just so much fun.”
“I really love serving the senior citizens,” said Henry Reiling. “It makes me feel good, and they have such great stories to tell.”
“I really love having the ability to make people happy,” said senior Taylor Schnipkoweit.
“I like seeing so many people happy,” said Alexa Ros.
“I really enjoy seeing how many people come and visiting with people,” said Jordan McFarlane.
Project 60 serves 154 people
December 14, 2023
About the Contributor
Nathan Countryman, Editor
Nathan Countryman is the Editor of the Mount Vernon-Lisbon Sun.