Mount Vernon
Lions ClubThe Mount Vernon Lions Club met on Monday, Nov. 23, at the Cornell Commons. The club voted to contribute $1,000 to the Southeast Linn Community Center Christmas food donation program and members were asked to volunteer to help distribute the food as well.
Bernadette Lane introduced the speaker for the evening, Jacob Lindauer, the director of the Lisbon/Mount Vernon Ambulance Service (LMVAS). Jacob talked about the 50-year history of the ambulance service and provided details about the number and experience of the volunteers. He also went through the call history for 2022 and compared that to prior years. LMVAS serves a primary area of about 150 square miles and a secondary area of about 750 square miles. Most of the funding for the service comes from fees for the calls they make, with donations from individuals contributing as well.
The next Lions Club meeting is the club’s Christmas party on December 18 at Gwen’s in Lisbon.
Club notes Dec. 14
December 14, 2023