Norman George Michaud, 90, died Nov. 24, 2023, in Evanston, Ill.
There will be a small, family memorial service and his ashes will be spread with his wife’s at a favorite Iowa state park in the spring.
Norman was born in Springfield, Mass. Aug. 30, 1933. He graduated from Chicopee High School, Chicopee, Mass., and served in the United States Coast Guard from 1950-54. He attended the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and English in 1959. He then studied in the Writers Workshop at the University of Iowa, from 1959-60, and earned a Master’s in English Literature and a Doctorate in Comparative and English Literature.
Norman held multiple positions over the years including Assistant Professor of English Literature at Saint Mary’s College in Notre Dame, Ind.; adjunct English teacher at Kirkwood Community College in Cedar Rapids; Public Affairs Officer for the Department of Defense, St. Louis; Program Developer for the Iowa Humanities Board; and Supervising Test Publications Editor at American College Testing (ACT), retiring in 2003. After retiring, Norman spent the next 11 years of his life with Ruth in Mt. Vernon, vacationing in northern Wisconsin and Michigan when they could, and enjoying visits with family. Following Ruth’s death, he moved to Evanston to be closer to his son and to spend more time with his beloved Xander. He was also an active and valued member of the 1020 Grove St. retirement community.
Norman loved reading, writing poetry, classical music, especially of the 20th and 21st centuries, jazz music, gardening, taking care of and watching birds and photography. He especially loved the poetry of Emily Dickinson, a love he shared deeply with Ruth, along with that of Walt Whitman, Frost, Roethke, and many others. Of the lines of poetry, he carried within, these from Whitman best reveal his life to those who loved and cared for him: “Sail forth, steer for the deep waters only, / Reckless O Soul, exploring, I with thee, and thou with me, / For we are bound where mariner has not yet dared to go. / And we will risk the ship, ourselves and all. / O my brave soul, / O farther, farther sail! / O darling joy, but safe! are they not all the seas of God? / O farther, farther, farther sail!” As were his wishes, he will be cremated.
Norman leaves behind his son, Nathaniel, his son’s wife, Carol, and their son, his grandson Alexander (Xander).
He was preceded in death by his wife of 51 years, Ruth; his brother, Robert, and his parents, Maurice and Stephania Michaud.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be directed in his name to any of the following: Catholic Relief Services; Presbyterian Homes, Evanston, IL; Planned Parenthood Foundation; Heifer International; Salvation Army; Chicago Audubon Society; Chicago Food Conservatory; National Wildlife Federation. Info: or 847-675-1990.
Norman Michaud
December 7, 2023