Starting Nov. 1, individuals meeting at (or below) 200% of the federal poverty guidelines are eligible to apply for the Low-income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) facilitated through the Hawkeye Area Community Action Program, Inc. (HACAP) in 9 eastern Iowa counties that include: Linn, Johnson, Jones, Benton, Dubuque, Delaware, Jackson, Iowa, and Washington. LIHEAP is a federally-funded program designed to assist low-income families meet the cost of home heating by providing a one-time payment to the heating utility provider.
Homeowners and renters living within these 9 counties can apply for assistance online at through April 30, 2024. Applications can also be downloaded and submitted by mail to HACAP Energy Assistance at PO Box 490, Hiawatha, IA 52233 or by email to [email protected].
In order to apply, applicants will need to provide the following documentation:
IDENTIFICATION: Social Security cards for everyone in household or current Iowa Driver’s License
HEATING/ELECTRIC BILL: Most current heat and electric bill.
INCOME PROOF: Wages, Salary, Social Security or SSI, past year Federal Tax Form
UTILITY AUTHORIZATION RELEASE: Only if utilities are not under your name.
Additional information on LIHEAP can be found online by visiting
Heating assistance available to help families during cold spell
November 9, 2023