Editor’s Note — These are the first five of the 10 candidate questionnaires for Mount Vernon School Board. All questionnaires were recieved by the publication deadline, splitting these into two separate weeks was made by the editor in consideration of other news content in the newspaper. The remaining five profiles for Mount Vernon School Board candidates will run in the Thursday, Oct. 26 issue.
Jason Clark Mount Vernon School Board
Biography (where did you go to school, hobbies, job/profession, experience, family):
Hello, my name is Jason Clark, and I am a proud 7th-generation Clark from the Mount Vernon area. I graduated from Mount Vernon High School in 1997, then went on to earn my bachelor’s degree from Iowa State University. I moved away from Mount Vernon for a short time after graduating college, but I came back here to raise my family.
I currently have one high school and one middle school student in the Mount Vernon Community School District. My wife has worked for the school district as a para-educator for the past six years.
I have been a small business owner for more than nine years. My store is Geek City Games and Comics in North Liberty. Before opening my own business, I worked as a senior manager for GameStop, Lowes, and U.S. Cellular. I have nearly 20 years of experience working with customers, employee benefits, hiring employees, and managing assets.
My hobbies include spending time with my family and friends, playing card/board games, cooking, barbequing, smoking meat, and watching football.
I am a volunteer archery coach for the Mount Vernon Archery Club. My family also volunteers around town for various school clubs and church activities.
Give us your assessment of the district. What is going well; what would you like to see changed?
Mount Vernon School District has been moving in a positive direction for a long time. Our district offers many academic and extracurricular activities that other similarly sized Iowa schools don’t. Being an Alum of Mount Vernon, I can tell you that I was better prepared when I got to college than many of my peers, and that was nearly 26 years ago. From what I see my kids doing and achieving, I know we have had exponential growth in our school district. With so many positive things going on, it is challenging to come up with any big changes that are needed.
I would rather focus on improving the positive things we have going.
1. By improving the benefits that teachers and staff have.
2. Getting more academically robust options for kids in the middle/elementary schools as they have at the high school level. I want to see the district add second language education at the middle school level which would help bridge the gap between Spanish classes offered at the elementary and high school levels.
3. I would like to continue improving the different offerings to our kids for post-K12 career options and choices. By that I mean just entering the workforce, going to trade school, or being better prepared to go off to secondary education.
Why are you running? Is there a specific issue you plan to champion?
My primary reason for running for school board has been the hiring of the new superintendent. I have nearly two decades of experience in finding and making strong hires in my professional career. We have had a great superintendent for the last few years in Dr. Batenhorst, and we need to continue that legacy. I want to give back to the community that has given so much to me. The leader of our school system needs to have and follow the same values that our community has.
I recognize the limitations that the school board has on curriculum selection, but I do want to continue to support staff in providing excellence in education, particularly when it comes to special education services and the needs of kids who might be struggling. If elected, I want to ensure that educators receive the support that they need to meet the needs of all students.
If you were elected, what would you like to see happen during your term of office?
Find, hire, and cultivate a new strong superintendent for the school district.
Continue to cultivate and promote a strong culture within the school district that allows us to recruit and retain the best of the best when it comes to staff and teachers, which will include fixing our lacking benefits package.
Ensure our educators, community members, and parents feel heard and respected when it comes to concerns about the school district.
Make sure that our students feel safe every day at school.
Anything else you’d like to share with our readers?
I love this community and want its current values of inclusion and diversity to live on into future generations.
Jeremy Kunz
Mount Vernon School Board
Biography (where did you go to school, hobbies, job/profession, experience, family):
I grew up in Norwalk, south of Des Moines, and graduated from UNI with a degree in education and a focus in special education. I have lived in Mount Vernon for about 13 years with my wife Karry and our two adopted children who attend Mount Vernon schools. I have worked in education fields for the last 25 years, with the last 20 being with the Iowa State Education Association. I am seeking my second full term on the school board. In my free time, I fish and play board games with friends and family. My wife is from Wisconsin, so we watch everything to do with the Packers.
Give us your assessment of the district. What is going well; what would you like to see changed?
During my time on the board, we of course dealt with school closures and Covid, so that was a significant part of the last few years. But we have also worked on facilities, such as playgrounds and the new stadium. Many things are going very well. Our academic scores are among the highest in the area. We have been able to add positions in the arts and counseling. Our average ACT score is among the highest we have ever had. With that said, we are always looking to improve. We need to address childcare in our community, new legislation and how we will serve the students that feel targeted by these laws, and, in an ever-changing world, when it comes to cyber threats how will we make technology available while also protecting students, staff, and members of the community. We also have some of the same issues that all schools do: how to attract and retain the best staff to work with our students. A HUGE part of how these items progress will be decided by the new board and the new Superintendent of schools we will be hiring.
Why are you running? Is there a specific issue you plan to champion?
I will champion 3 issues:
1. Attracting the best staff and keeping the great people we currently have.
2. Using taxpayer’s money responsibly through programs that directly affect student growth. That means staff and resources mainly in my opinion.
3. Making sure that we provide a safe learning environment for all the students we serve. You can’t learn if you don’t feel safe.
If you are elected, what would you like to see happen during your term of office?
I’d like to first see my kids graduate and become the amazing adults I know they will be. As a parent that is always my top priority. I want our district to continue to be a destination district: a place people want their children to attend, and a community looked on as a leader in schools and culture in eastern Iowa. I will be working hard with the rest of the board to hire the next leader of our schools, a leader that our community will look to and respect. I would also like the district to help alleviate some of the childcare issues in our area.
Anything else you’d like to share with our readers?
There are several people running for the board this year. I am proud of the work the current board has done. I encourage all to look at what we have done and where you want the district to go from here. I take great pride in the community we live in and do not run with a specific agenda other than the betterment of the children we serve. Thank you for the opportunity these last four years and I hope to serve for another four.
Kristin Meyer
Mount Vernon School Board
Biography (where did you go to school, hobbies, job/profession, experience, family):
My name is Kristin Meyer, although my friends call me Kristi. I grew up in St Paul, Minn., where I attended both public (K-8) and private (9-12) schools, before moving to Mount Vernon to attend Cornell College. I received my bachelor of arts degree with an interdisciplinary major in education and fitness, and then returned to the University of Minnesota to earn my doctorate in physical therapy. I am a board-certified specialist in sports physical therapy and board-certified athletic trainer. I have worked as a physical therapist for the past 20 years with a variety of patient populations from pediatrics to professional athletes, including serving schools in Minnesota for school-based physical therapy intervention. This is my 12th year working as a faculty member at Cornell in the kinesiology department, where I teach a variety of courses, advise students, and serve on considerable committees for the college. I am married with four children currently in the district, one in the HS, one in the MS and two in the ES. We are actively engaged in, and strong supporters of both school-based and community-based fine arts, sports, and religious activities.
Give us your assessment of the district. What is going well; what would you like to see changed?
I believe overall, our district is doing a lot of things very well. We are considered to be a district of choice for families as well as for our educators. I feel it would be wise to lean into this, for stability for our staff and as a way to maintain great diversity in opportunities for our students, both curricular and co/extra-curricular. Data reports I have seen demonstrate consistent scores with high levels of proficiency across our schools. Frequently our students are finding success in the classroom, on the playing field and stage, and through the support/ affiliation groups and clubs they are engaging with throughout the district. Our mission of fostering growth and confidence of our students as learners and people is largely being met, and that is something most Mount Vernon community members are proud of.
I am still learning what our board currently sees as the greatest challenges facing our district. However, some topics (including strengths and challenges) I know people are interested in the board discussing include: budget and growth management, healthcare benefits for staff, continuing to support strong relationships between the school district and the city, college, and neighboring communities, finding the best ways to meet the curricular and social/ emotional needs of all students below, at, and above grade level (including our students with special needs), advocating for and supporting appropriate mental health services, maintaining access to all appropriate learning materials, and navigating new state legislation and their related impacts. The concern I have repeatedly heard the most from our community is making sure the board helps to create and support policy and practices that keep all students safe in their learning environment.
Why are you running? Is there a specific issue you plan to champion?
I am interested in running for school board as a service to our community. I do not come to this position with a specific agenda of items I’d like to achieve. Instead, I have looked for a volunteer service opportunity best suited for the skillset, knowledge-base, and experience that I have where I feel I might best be able to give back to our community. My knowledge of the education system is influenced by a unique blend of experiences, including having children currently enrolled in each of the three buildings which allows me to maintain a good pulse on what is happening across the district. I feel I am someone that can bring strong critical analysis and problem-solving skills to navigate the work of the board, good listening skills with an open mind to help represent and advocate for the values of our community members, and essential collaborative and organizational skills to bring together viewpoints and work as a team with other board members and school administrators.
If you are elected, what would you like to see happen during your term of office?
In my opinion, the first major task at hand for the new board will be to hire an effective Super Intendent who is the best fit for our district. The search process is already underway and I feel fortunate the current board is allowing candidates to be peripherally engaged early in the process, which should ensure an efficient search and hiring process despite a transitional time for the board.
Anything else you’d like to share with our readers?
I am truly looking forward to the opportunity to serve the Mount Vernon Community in this role. I want to be an asset to the Board, a voice for our community members, and an advocate for our children. If you feel that my skillset, experience, and values align with your vision for an effective member of the school board I would greatly appreciate your vote on Nov. 7.
Greg Papin
Mount Vernon School Board
Biography (where did you go to school, hobbies, job/profession, experience, family):
I have been happily married to Margarita for seven years, and we are proud parents to Lexi, who is in kindergarten. I am retired following my military service, fulfilling the role of a stay-at-home dad, which allows me to dedicate ample time to support the betterment of our community.
I am deeply involved in our community, wearing multiple hats. I’m a soccer and wrestling coach, serve as a Linn County Veterans Affairs Commissioner, am actively involved with the American Legion and MV-L child care solutions group, and a member of the Parks and Recreation and WETAP Boards. Additionally, I regularly attend school board and city council meetings to stay informed and engaged in local matters.
While I don’t have many hobbies at this point in my life, spending quality time with my family is my greatest source of fulfillment. Prior to joining the Marine Corps, I attended school in Dubuque, and later obtained a bachelor’s degree in applied psychology from Regis University in Denver.
Throughout my leadership experience, I have learned the value of teamwork, constructive dialogue, and addressing critical issues with patience. These principles have shaped my approach to community involvement and decision-making.
Give us your assessment of the district. What is going well; what would you like to see changed?
I am running for the school board because I believe there is room for improvement in our district, despite its relatively favorable performance. My goal is to bring a fresh perspective and identify areas where we can excel even further. While the district is not broken, I believe it could benefit from a tune-up. Instead of adding more of the same-old-same (former educators) to the board, I advocate for a balanced mix of parents and community members who do not have direct ties to the school. This approach will ensure that our primary focus remains on the success of the students, rather than primarily on the prosperity of the teachers. By embracing diverse perspectives, we can maximize our community’s potential and create the best possible educational environment.
Transparency is a key aspect that I am passionate about improving within our district. By implementing live streaming of school board meetings and making them easily accessible to the community, this would enable everyone to stay informed and participate in the decision-making process. I also emphasize the importance of collaboration with parents, teachers, and community members, as their valuable insights and perspectives can contribute to well-informed and inclusive policies.
Additionally, I strongly support the inclusion of student representation at school board meetings. Students deserve a voice in shaping their educational experiences, and their perspectives should be considered. Furthermore, I recognize the pressing need to address the child care crisis with a sense of urgency. I am committed to finding sustainable solutions and supporting families who are affected by this issue.
With a fresh approach and a commitment to continuous improvement, I am confident we can elevate MVCSD to new heights and become the finest district in Iowa leading the way through innovative methods.
Why are you running? Is there a specific issue you plan to champion?
As a parent with a long-term commitment to this district (our daughter is the Class of 2036), I am driven to run for the school board. My primary motivation lies in my passion for ensuring our children receive the highest quality education and promoting their overall well-being. I firmly believe that every child deserves access to a top-notch education, and Mount Vernon has the potential to lead Iowa back to its days of being in the top-five.
One specific area I am determined to address is the improvement and expansion of child care services. Recognizing the vital role child care plays in supporting working families and providing a safe and nurturing environment for children, I will advocate for an all-inclusive child care program within our district. By prioritizing this issue, we can meet the needs of families and create a foundation for academic success and personal growth for all students.
If you are elected, what would you like to see happen during your term of office?
Upon assuming the role of school board member, I intend to prioritize several key areas throughout my term. Specifically, my focus will revolve around childcare, transparency, policy enforcement, and preventing property tax hikes. When school boards create the budget, this determines your property tax rate and ultimately your property tax bill. Currently, 42% of your property taxes go directly to the school district.
Anything else you’d like to share with our readers?
I sincerely appreciate the time and consideration you have given me reading this. I encourage you to thoroughly research all the candidates running for the school board and select the individual whom you believe will best represent your family and address your specific needs. To learn more about me, please visit gregpapin.com or facebook.com/GregPapinIowa.
Lance Schoff
Mount Vernon School Board
Biography (where did you go to school, hobbies, job/profession, experience, family): I grew up in Mount Vernon and graduated with the class of 1983. I then attended Iowa State University (BS in Psychology/Statistics) and The University of Iowa (MBA) before starting my career in market research/business intelligence, the last 18 years of which at Abbott Laboratories and AbbVie. Various jobs took me throughout the Midwest—the Twin Cities, St. Louis, Columbus, and Chicago—before moving back to Mt. Vernon in 2012 with my wife (Sue) and our two kids (Cooper and Samantha). In addition to serving my first term on our school board, I have volunteered as an assistant boys and girls middle school basketball coach, and I am currently in my fifth season as an assistant football coach for our Mustangs.
Give us your assessment of the district (city). What is going well; what would you like to see changed?
While there is always room for improvement, I continue to be proud of our school district. Our most recent Iowa State Assessment of Student Progress (ISASP) scores were generally positive and trending in the right direction. And although I don’t put a great deal of stock in rankings, it was nice to see our high school named the 15th best in the state of Iowa by U.S. News and World Report for 2023-2024. I am also very pleased with the completion of our new Mustang Activities Complex. A wide variety of students will benefit, but I am most excited for our track & field and soccer athletes to finally have a place to compete that they can call home.
As for improvements, I’d like to see us continue our research and discussions with students, parents, and staff to further refine and perfect our Evidence-Based Reporting (EBR) system. I am not advocating for a return to traditional grading—I support our goals and all the hard work that went into making this change—however, as I still receive occasional questions/concerns, I believe this is important so that the benefits sought originally are fully realized.
Why are you running? Is there a specific issue you plan to champion?
I am seeking reelection primarily for the same reason I first ran four years ago. I am very appreciative of the teachers and coaches I had as a student in the Mount Vernon school system and would like to give back, in a small way, to help keep our tradition of excellence in academics, the arts, and athletics alive for future generations. In addition, during my time on the board, I have seen firsthand how important it is to have a quality superintendent to be a high-performing district. Because whoever follows Dr. Batenhorst will have large shoes to fill, I would like to stay involved to help select his successor. I also want to continue our attempts to identify better, lower-cost health insurance options for our staff, as increases in premiums have been outpacing inflation over the last several years.
If you are elected, what would you like to see happen during your term of office?
In addition to hiring another exceptional superintendent and improving our health insurance, I would like to see us continue to make sound investments that will advance our district in a financially sound manner. While I consider myself to be fiscally conservative—and understand that it is increasingly difficult for us to manage existing expenses while receiving less funding from the state—we must not become complacent if we want to make improvements for our students and maintain our status as a district of choice for both families and staff members.
Anything else you’d like to share with our readers?
I didn’t fully appreciate our community and school district until I lived elsewhere. I now believe our unique culture and what we have here are very special and should not be taken for granted. If re-elected, I will work to ensure that the best interests of ALL students are considered and that this mindset continues to be our North Star/guiding principle. If disagreements on how best to do this arise, I will strive to listen to various viewpoints and work openly, collectively, and respectfully with other board members to seek solutions with common ground.
Mount Vernon School Board profiles (week 1)
October 19, 2023

Jason Clark
Jeremy Kunz
About the Contributor
Nathan Countryman, Editor
Nathan Countryman is the Editor of the Mount Vernon-Lisbon Sun.