O’Connor Mayor
Biography (where did you go to school, hobbies, job/profession, experience, family): Hello, I’m Doug O’Connor. I went to Lisbon Community School and graduated in 1987. Some of my hobbies are spending time at our cabin south of Urbana. I currently work at Collins Aerospace in Coralville and own Bill’s Tap. I’ve been mayor for four years and on council for eight.
Give us your assessment of the city. What is going well; what would you like to see changed?
As of right now, our city is under construction which has it torn up. But after all is completed, the city shouldn’t have to do another major project for 20 to 30 years.
Why are you running? Is there a specific issue you want to champion?
People say running for a city elected position is a thankless job. As mayor for the past four years I have had the opportunity to have a great council with me. In the next four years, I want to see the projects we have currently going on completed.
If you are elected, what would you like to see happen during your term of office?
I would like to see our town keep growing. Lisbon is a great friendly community that I’m proud to call home.
Where would you like to see more or less money in the city budget spent?
Right now we try to keep our budget as low as possible. What I mean by that is we try not to buy or budget for items we don’t need. If anywhere I would like to see more money spent is in parks and recreation. We will soon have a nice sports complex that the citizens of Lisbon should be proud to have.
Anything else you’d like to share with our readers?
Being mayor is a great honor, but I wouldn’t be able to do it without a great council and city employees.
Lisbon City Council
Biography (where did you go to school, hobbies, job/profession, experience, family): Hi, I’m John Bardsley of Lisbon! I graduated from Mason City Junior College, served six years in the Iowa Army National Guard, worked 25 years as an electrical engineer at Rockwell Collins (now Collins Aerospace), and owned/operated Prairie Garden Center & Floral Shop in Mt Vernon for 14 years. My hobbies include reading, and jigsaw puzzles. I have been involved in service to many local nonprofit organizations and city boards, as well as serving on Lisbon City Council for over 20 years. My family consists of my wife of 48 years, Barb Bardsley, and our daughter Mary Kilburg who works as a special education teacher and theater director at LinnMar High School in Marion. I have a granddog named Happy, a cockapoo puppy.
Give us your assessment of the city. What is going well; what would you like to see changed?
The overall assessment of the city is a very positive one, and there are many reasons for this. We have a lot of projects in which we can feel proud, such as the new Lisbon Sports Complex, Water Main Project, Dolly Parton Imagination Library (for children under five), and the various Southeast Linn Community Center programs. There are so many things going on to improve the city and its infrastructure. As far as what I would like to see going forward is casting a wider net of volunteers and encouraging more people to get involved on various city boards and organizations. It’s important to have a diverse assortment of voices and opinions to create change and growth.
Why are you running? Is there a specific issue you plan to champion?
I’m running because I intend to continue the work I’ve been doing for the past 20 years and for which I care about deeply. I feel I am an effective council member because I’m committed and level headed, as well as someone who is able to listen to all sides of an issue. I also currently serve as liaison to or member of many local organizations like Southeast Linn Community Center, CDG, Lisbon Library Board, Friends of the Library, Wellness Coalition, Historic Preservation Commission, among others. I am also a long time Rotary member and believe in working hard for my community and its citizens. I believe that it’s important to maintain our quality city employees and have always advocated for doing whatever we can to retain them and make them feel valued.
If you are elected, what would you like to see happen during your term of office?
I would like to see continued progress made on the work I’ve been a part of for the last 20 years. I’ve had the privilege of serving a community I’ve lived in for a long time, and I like being able to give back. It’s been an honor to witness such growth over time in Lisbon. In this term of office I would really like us to dig into improving infrastructure and social programming.
Where would you like to see more or less money in the city budget spent?
I would like to see us keep the tax rate from rising, and maintain balanced spending. Essentially, we need to maintain the community without breaking the bank. Different opportunities present themselves on occasion, such as grants, and it’s good to be flexible enough to take advantage of those when they become available.
Anything else you’d like to share with our readers?
I encourage people to vote and get involved with city government! Take advantage of the opportunities within your own community. It matters! Thank you for your support and allowing me to serve you over the years.
Kevin Steele
Lisbon City Council
Biography (where did you go to school, hobbies, job/profession, experience, family): I have lieved in Lisbon since 2000. I’m married with two children, and recently retired from the State of Iowa. I was a graduate of Drake University and a retired member of the Iowa Army National Guard. I am also a member of the Lisbon Fire Department.
Give us your assessment of the city. What is going well; what would you like to see changed?
Lisbon has a numerous number of projects ongoing, including the new well that’s being installed, work on the new sports complex, the water main construction project and the merged police department with Lisbon and Mount Vernon.
Is there a specific issue you plan to champion?
I would really like to see us work on repaving Business 30, including adding curb and gutter and looking at repaving Washington Street. I’d also like us to look into a quiet zone at the Washington Street intersection, similar to what has been done in Mount Vernon. I’d like to see the city slowly adding more residential developments to the north and south of the community as well.
Lisbon City Council profiles
October 19, 2023

Doug O’Connor
John Bardsley
About the Contributor
Nathan Countryman, Editor
Nathan Countryman is the Editor of the Mount Vernon-Lisbon Sun.