Mount Vernon Trailblazers 4HThe Mount Vernon Trailblazers 4-H Club held their monthly meeting on Sept. 10, at the Mount Vernon Fire Station. The club held the election of officers. The new officers consist of: President: Miles Francois (senior), Vice President: Will Goodlove (sophomore), Secretary: Madie Boren (sophomore), Treasurer Maci Stoner (ninth grade), Historian: Mya Stoner (sophomore), Reporter: Dottie Korte (eighth grade). The club also added a new office called “Recreation”. LJ Korte and Caleb Keegan (sophomores) are the two officers for the new office.
The club also started to plan activities and events for the new upcoming 4-H year. Committees were also formed. The next meeting will be held on Oct 8.
Dottie Korte, Reporter
Buddies 4-H Club Hello everyone, I am here to tell you about what the Barnyard Buddies recently discussed in their most recent meeting Oct. 3. The first thing that happened was a few people from the Linn County Youth Council came down to talk to us about the Youth Council. After that, we briefly discussed what we talked about in our last meeting. Then we voted on officers for the new year. The results were President- Natalie N, Vise President- Natalie T, Secretary- Marin D, Treasurer- Garet S, and Reporter- Claire T. That’s all we discussed. Thank you for reading about what the Barnyard Buddies did at our most recent meeting.
Reporter- Claire Thuerauf