The Tuesday Morning Book Club at Cole Library will be meeting on an alternate date and in a different location in September. They will meet Thursday, Sept. 21, from 9:30 — 11 a.m in Room 410, which is a large meeting room on the Fourth Floor of the Library.
All are welcome to join the Book Club. You can email Sherene Player at [email protected] if you have any questions. If you are interested in genealogy at all, this would be a wonderful month to try out the Book Club. A theme of this month’s book is that a spiritual grounding in one’s family history can combat “historical amnesia” and nurture a sense of belonging.
At the September meeting, the group will be reading and discussing the book The Soul of the Family Tree: Ancestors, Stories, and the Spirits We Inherit by Lori Erickson. Judith Pim will review the book and lead the discussion.
From the publisher comes this summary of the book: “Growing up in a passionately Norwegian-American Iowa town, Lori Erickson rolled her eyes at traditions like Nordic Fest and steaming pots of rømmegrøt. But like many Americans, she eventually felt drawn to genealogy, the ‘quintessential hobby of middle age.’
“Her quest to know more about the Vikings and immigrants who perch in her family tree led her to visit Norse settlements and reenactments, medieval villages and modern museums, her picturesque hometown and her ancestor’s farm on the fjords.
“Along the way, Erickson discovers how her soul has been shaped by her ancestors and finds unexpected spiritual guides among the seafaring Vikings and her hardscrabble immigrant forebears. Erickson’s far-ranging journeys and spiritual musings show us how researching family history can be a powerful tool for inner growth.”
Tuesday Morning Book Club discussing ‘The Soul fo the Family Tree’
September 14, 2023