Absentee ballot request forms are now being accepted for the Nov. 7, City and School Election. Voters submitting completed request forms will have ballots mailed to their requested address starting on Wednesday, Oct. 18.
Absentee ballot request forms may be found in the PennySaver, printed from LinnCountyIowa.gov/Absentee, or mailed out upon request by contacting Linn County Election Services by email at [email protected] or calling 319-892-5300 opt 1.
Completed request forms must be received by the Election Services office by 5 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 23. Requests received after that time cannot be fulfilled.
Voters often ask why they receive so many request forms. Election Services mails a request form only when a voter requests one. The other forms you may receive are sent by external organizations advocating for your participation in the election. If you have already submitted a completed request form, there is no need to submit a second request form. You may check the status of your absentee ballot at https://sos.iowa.gov/elections/absenteeballotstatus/absentee/search.
Information for in-person absentee early voting and voting on Election Day will be released the first week of October.
For questions regarding this election, call the Linn County Election Services Office at 319-892-5300, ext. 1 or email [email protected].
Absentee ballot request forms now being accepted for city/school election
September 7, 2023