Lisbon High School marching band participated in their own band camp Aug. 10-11 and Aug. 15-17.
Director Joseph Arch said that the theme of this year’s show is the music of Stevie Wonder.
“I wanted an artist that would really feature the seniors in the band and give them more opportunities to shine,” Arch said. “As I was exploring music that was available to license, this one really generated a show idea.”
Arch said the marching band will have four home games this fall, and they’ll be playing at the Hwy. 1 Marching Band Classic at Solon, Bands Across the Prairie in Prairie and the Iowa High School Marching Band Association competition this fall.
“We’re a band that’s almost 70 members strong right now, with a good amount of freshmen and sophomores,” Arch said. “That’s nearly double the size of the band I originally started with my first year here.”
Arch knows that enthusiasm and support for the band is not waning anytime soon.
The band will be wearing new uniforms at some point this season, with the uniforms slated to arrive in September.
Arch will also have at least a week sometime during the marching band season where he might be unavailable, as he and his wife are expecting their next child.
“I’m putting more responsibility on the shoulders of my drum majors this year to run practices and get us ready for shows,” Arch said.
Drum major senior Allie Silver said she isn’t playing an instrument this year, focusing a lot more on conducting.
“Mostly, it’s just been a lot more learning the routine,” Silver said.
She notes that there is a good deal of pressure to be leading the band in Arch’s absence, but she and drum major Sarah Dietsch are ready for the challenge.
She noted that this year’s camp has a lot more fieldwork to learn which has been their focus at marching band camps but everyone has been progressing.
“Even though we have a lot of incoming freshmen and sophomores, they’re all progressing very quickly,” Silver said.
Senior Blake Stejskal has been in marching band since fifth grade, playing the alto saxophone. His favorite part of band has definitely been playing in the jazz band.
“I’m really looking forward to the marching band competitions this fall, though,” Stejskal said.
Stejskal said it has been fun seeing the band grow, not only in ninth graders and sophomores, but from students in their junior and senior years.
“We’ve seen a lot of growth in the band,” agreed senior Sophie Roberts, flute player. “That’s definitely what I’ve enjoyed most has been the time with people.”
Roberts also is looking forward to playing at the home football games.
‘Wonder’-ful band camp
August 24, 2023
The Lisbon Lions march in Saturday’s Sauerkraut Days parade, led by drum majors Sarah Dietsch and Alli Silver.
SD Lisbon Marching Band 5
About the Contributor
Nathan Countryman, Editor
Nathan Countryman is the Editor of the Mount Vernon-Lisbon Sun.