Work is continuing on value engineering in the new building addition at Lisbon Schools.
Superintendent Autumn Pino said that discussion was held at a special meeting and some portions of the project did reduce, but the committee discussion was still ongoing.
“We’re still trying to narrow the scope of this project to where it needs to be and still be something the community will be happy with seeing completed,” Pino said. “We have a meeting Thursday, Aug. 17, and we’re hopeful the final questions will be answered and we’ll be closer to knowing the construction start timelines.”
School board member Allan Mallie reminded citizens that even if something is value engineered away, it doesn’t mean it may not be tackled in the future by the school board. He pointed to the bleachers in the auditorium or the concession stand as items that initially weren’t fiscally available to be completed by the district, but the district made priorities with other funding streams in the future to address those items.
“Even though we may value engineer something out, doesn’t mean we don’t want to see it in the building,” Mallie said. “We’re just trying to get the project to certain cost points. If financing on the project ever changes, we will tackle those projects in the future.”
Work continues on value engineering for Lisbon Schools addition
August 17, 2023
About the Contributor
Nathan Countryman, Editor
Nathan Countryman is the Editor of the Mount Vernon-Lisbon Sun.