And just like that, the summer is winding down, and we have the start of another school year on the horizon.
Mount Vernon and Lisbon’s first day of school for the year is Wednesday, Aug. 23. Cornell College first year students and new students (aside from athletes and those in specialized orientations) also arrive on campus beginning Wednesday, Aug. 23, with three different move-in sessions for new students. Cornell returning students will move in Saturday, Aug. 26 from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Already this week, though, many volleyball and football teams have been participating in camps before practice can begin and the band camp at Mount Vernon has those students practicing drill and enjoying evening activities as a team. The first home games are just weeks away.
Southeast Linn Community Center’s distribution of school supplies and backpacks just wrapped with a back-to-school night at Lester Buresh Family Community Wellness Center Wednesday, Aug. 9, and back to school nights are planned for Lisbon and Mount Vernon students Aug. 22. Those include popsicles on the playground at Mount Vernon schools and Lisbon parks and recreations barbecue for kids and families at Lisbon park.
Registration is online for both schools between now and the first day of school, including signing up for lunch plans.
Always some of the busiest weeks of summer happen right at this time of year, as the state fair and Sauerkraut Days festival squeeze in just before the start of the school year.