Outrage over student
loan relief is misplacedAttending college on the generous GI Bill, I knew little about the student loan process. Student loans vary in interest rates and terms, sometimes a “payday loan” type arrangement where kids may never get the principle paid off.
What bothers me is the selective moral outrage concerning students getting “free” money in the form of loan forgiveness.
Consider the following:
Linn County “farmers” in 2021 alone received $14.5 million in subsidies, “free” taxpayer money. (I got $5,840. Thanks taxpayers) This is an annual amount, not a one-time $20k forgiveness.
Government PPP Loans in Linn County, the vast majority forgiven, amounted to almost $655 million. Representative Hinson’s husband had his hand in this cookie jar as well.
Governor Reynolds private voucher program, mainly for Christian Schools benefit, will cost Iowa over $300 million PER YEAR.
Iowa ended 2022 with a surplus of $1.91 billion, in large part due to Federal aid, yet Reynolds has the gall to petition for federal help cleaning up a PRIVATE business collapse in Davenport!
Senator for Life Grassley loves ethanol subsidies, yet decries Biden’s “socialist “ attempt to pay off student loans, all while he and his family have received $1.75 million in federal farm subsidies in the last few decades.
Is there EVER a large natural disaster where Iowa isn’t requesting Federal aid?
Hypocrisy is standing at the federal trough with your 5-gallon bucket complaining about the kid with a teaspoon. Is our rallying cry “Socialism for me, but not for thee!”?
Kevin Woods
Mount Vernon
Supporting LGBQTIA+ community As someone who has grown up in the city of Mount Vernon I feel it is important to speak on what has transpired in the last few weeks regarding the LGBTQIA+ community. With the rights of the community already under attack at a federal level it is more important than ever for cities like Mount Vernon to stand with the members of the LGBTQ+ community. I personally did not attend the City Council meeting on June 19th, however after reading the articles on it as well as watching the video it is clear that Representative Cindy Goudling does not care about the protection of children as she proclaims. Instead she wishes to follow an outdated rhetoric regarding the LGBTQ+ community. She also feels it appropriate to make immature comments about a 13 year old who was standing up for their beliefs, while on full volume on the video call. Additionally learning about one individual’s beliefs regarding this country losing faith in god was very interesting to me, as several of the churches in Mount Vernon, as well as many around the country, are LGBTQ+ friendly and are showing their support. Another argument that has been presented is that gender-affirming health care is seen as mutilation, which is blatantly untrue and a dangerous idea, so many LGBTQIA+ members are at risk due to these thought processes. It is vitally important that the city of Mount Vernon wholeheartedly support the LGBTQIA+ community members.
Quinn Alles
Mount Vernon