More communication needed on cable
work in Mount VernonIt is ridiculous that the City of Mount Vernon has had crews working all over the city for the past few weeks installing cable of some sort without first notifying the residents of this work.
Yes, we realize that the area between the sidewalks and the street technically belong to the City (even though residents are required to maintain the grass and plantings on this land), however that does not excuse the City from failing to inform residents that drilling and other work would be taking place.
I had seen the work happening around town and assumed that property owners were given advance warning of the trucks being in the area and of the labor being performed. However, when it started on my street, I found out that this wasn’t the case.
We discovered a team of workers and equipment in front of our house, blocking our driveway and our garbage and recycling cans (on our scheduled pick up day). No notice had been given to us that this was going to be happening that day. We have no other access to the street for our cars than our driveway.
I was pleased that the workers quickly moved everything when I needed to drive my daughter to work, but if we had been told ahead of time of the work happening, we would have moved our cars to the street.
Beyond all the inconvenience of having all of this work happening all over Mount Vernon for the last few weeks and having roads blocked, I don’t believe any of us know what they are doing.
Shame on Mount Vernon for not sending word out to its residents before embarking on such a large City project.
C. Sherene Hansen Player
Letters to Editor June 15
June 15, 2023