Adrienne Smith ‘11 STEM Scholarship $750 Hedy Zmolek
The Adrienne Smith STEM Scholarship is awarded in memory of Adrienne Smith, Mount Vernon High School Class of 2011. Adrienne had a passion for academics and scientific research while in college and encouraged others with similar aspirations. This scholarship is awarded to a female who intends to study a STEM major at a four year college or university. The student selected for this award has achieved a minimum 3.5 GPA.
American Legion Hahn-Howard Post 480 Scholarship $500 Jackson Rhomberg, Lillian See, Hedy Zmolek Awarded to a graduate who demonstrates the potential for outstanding citizenship, who is continuing their education beyond high school, and whose parent or grandparent served in the United States Armed Services.
Bernie Saggau Award Henry Ryan Established in honor of the long time head administrator of the Iowa High School Athletic Association, Mr. Bernie Saggau. Presented to a graduating student who best exemplifies a patriotic spirit, with strong moral convictions, living and professing the qualities of honesty, integrity, and sportsmanship and believing both games and life should be conducted by the rules.
Boy Scout — Mount Vernon Troop 40 Eagle Scout Honor Cord Jacob Cannon, Issac Stevenson The highest rank a Scout can achieve in the Scouting program is the rank of Eagle Scout and only 4 percent of the Scouts that start the program attain the Eagle rank. In recognition of this extraordinary achievement, Mount Vernon Troop 40 presents a Red, White, and Blue Eagle Cord for graduation.
Carol Van Metre Scholarship $1,000 Kameron Brand This scholarship is awarded in memory of Carol Van Metre to a hardworking female athlete with good grades. Carol was a tireless advocate for hard-working girls.
Cedar Rapids Area Association of Realtors Scholarship Fund
– Ron Baty Memorial Scholarship $500 Hedy Zmolek – Wendy Manning Scholarship $500 Samuel Martin The Cedar Rapids Area Association of Realtors Scholarship Fund was started nearly 30 years ago with four $500 scholarships going to Linn County youth. Due to the generosity of a large number of Realtor Donors, it has grown to over six scholarships annually and has expanded to Benton and Jones Counties, totalling over $300,000 since 2005 alone.
Charles H Halsey Gift $500 Jacob Cannon Established by the Halsey family to honor their father and retired member of our staff, Charles Halsey. The recipient is a student who has demonstrated dedication to academics, community, and extracurricular activities.
Class of 2023 Alumni Representatives $250 each Ryne Moeller, Kyla Vaughn One or more volunteer representatives from each alumni class shall assist in keeping open lines of communication with their respective classmates, coordinate reunion planning with the assistance of the Director, and serve as a link between the Association, the school, and the alumni. Class representatives may be asked to attend alumni meetings and to volunteer to serve on various committees.
Dave Spellerberg ‘89 Memorial Scholarship $3,000 Walker Bilden Awarded to one MVHS graduating senior. The intent of this award is to assist a graduate who is like Dave and plans to attend a community college, technical school, or a 4-year institution.
Dave Thumm ‘79 Scholarship $300 Laura Swart In honor of Dave Thumm, Class of 1979. Dave was an outstanding runner and coach for Mount Vernon. This scholarship goes to an individual who shares Dave’s love of running and competing to be the very best.
Des Moines Register Academic All-State Recognition Michael Briesemeister Celebrates the accomplishment of a high school senior who excels in the classroom and in their community.
Donna Jacob, Gladys Rife, Ruth Michaud and Maggie Quinn Ellison ‘62 Award $500 Tyler Panos To honor the legacy of Donna, Gladys, Ruth and Maggie and to celebrate the impact they had on the humanities at Mount Vernon High School. The recipient of the award is a student with a dedicated interest and passion in the humanities, as demonstrated by a rich background in theater and speech productions and/or competitions, and also by enthusiastic participation in high school courses devoted to literature and the English language.
Eldean (Dean) Borg Scholarship $1,000 Isabel Hawker In honor of Dean Borg, who served his family and friends, his fellow Iowans through insightful journalism, the Mount Vernon community as a leader and volunteer, and the nation as an Air Force officer. The recipient has demonstrated a commitment to serving others while pursuing excellence in academics, community, and extracurricular activities.
Evans-Moffit Scholarship $500 Trystin Lashley This scholarship is given to a solid student identified by the faculty as having demonstrated a sense of citizenship and compassion for others and who possesses strong interpersonal skills.
Exceptional Man Scholarship $1,000 each Lawson Hasley, Dallas Olberding Awarded to two males with exceptional energy and drive to succeed, who demonstrate the traits that contribute to a positive academic climate (respect, trust, good citizenship, high moral character, positive attitude and kindness). They motivate us to be better people, to work hard and to stay positive. Recognized for their quiet leadership.
Extraordinary Woman Scholarship $1,275 each Elizabeth Barns, Madeleine Miller, Lillian See, Kyla Vaughn, Parker Whitham Awarded to five females with extraordinary energy and drive to succeed.
First Friday Breakfast Club $3,000 Dallas Olberding The First Friday Breakfast Club, or FFBC, mission is to educate, advocate for, and represent LGBTQ and queer community members across Iowa. Since 1997, the FFBC has awarded over $405,000 in scholarships tograduating high school students who have embodied our mission across the state of Iowa.
Governor’s Scholar Recognition Jacob Cannon Joint effort between the Governor’s Office of the State of Iowa, the IHSAA and its title sponsor, Iowa Farm Bureau. Gives recognition to senior students who are the highest academic achievers in their schools.
Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation – Komensky Society Scholarship $1,000 Natalie Clark – College Opportunity Scholarship $500 Amelia Hartl – Glidden Community Service Scholarship $1,000 Hedy Zmolek The Primary Scholarships at the Community Foundation focus on recognizing student achievements and supporting deserving students in Linn County in partnership with area high schools.
Hills Bank Scholarship $750 Joziphene Luneckas-Broomhall Awarded to one or more outstanding graduates. Hills Bank is committed to youth, education, the community and you.
Hills Bank Leadership Grant $1,000 each Ava Dimmer, Claire Gaffney
Hills Bank awards 20 leadership grants, each in the amount of $1,000. Recipients are chosen based on leadership activities in their school, their community and their scholarship efforts.
Hills Bank Youth Salute Claire Gaffney, Margaret Player Youth Salute is a program of The National Council of Youth Leadership. Hills Bank is very proud to be the area sponsor for Youth Salute for the past 28 years. Several students were selected by their high school faculty to receive the prestigious award which is given to area students for their academic achievement, leadership contributions and excellent interview with the Hills Bank staff.
IGHSAU Volleyball Sportsmanship Award $250 Madeline Miller Awarded to a Mount Vernon High School Volleyball Senior.
Iowa Financial Know-How Challenge $1,000 Joziphene Luneckas-Broomhall The Iowa Financial Know-How Challenge: Senior Scholarship awards a $1,000 college scholarship to 50 Iowa high school students. Participants experience two online tools to help them understand ways to reduce borrowing to pay for college and receive emailed tips on planning and paying for college.
Iowa Hospital Education and Research Foundation $2,000 Michael Briesemeister IHERF awards scholarships to Iowans seeking a degree in healthcare. The goal of this program is to fill health care positions that have a significant number of openings statewide.
Jeff Butterbaugh Memorial Scholarship $250 each Ryne Moeller, Tyler Reyhons Basketball and Golf were two of Jeff’s loves. He loved playing and he loved coaching. As a coach, he would come home after practice so excited about the boys who were giving “101%” in practice, who were leaders and who were constantly supporting their teammates in a positive and encouraging way. Given to one senior basketball player and one senior golfer who exemplify these qualities and who epitomize “team”.
Joan L. Suchomel ‘74 Scholarship $500 Austin Deeb Awarded to a graduating senior who is a first-generation college student and/or planning to attend Iowa State University.
John ‘60 & Thelma Rife Scholarship $1,500 Delaney Lawrence John and Thelma Rife are long-time Mount Vernon residents and advocates of education. They established this generous scholarship for a graduate of Mount Vernon High School who will be attending Kirkwood Community College
Jones County Farm Bureau $800 Michael Briesemeister Student must be seeking a major in an ag-related field or one that will support rural Iowa. They must be involved in school activities and demonstrate leadership abilities, community involvement and volunteer efforts.
Kay Woods Memorial Award $425 each Logan Eriksen, Kennedy Hunter Awarded to two seniors who are pursuing a two- or four-year trade program. Trades considered include cosmetology, plumbing, electrical, welding or family consumer science.
Koppenhaver Business Scholarship $500 each Maddox Rollinger, Alexandra Wachendorf This scholarship is given to assist a graduating senior of Mount Vernon High School who is attending a 2 or 4-year college or university to pursue an accounting or business degree. The student has exhibited leadership and organizational skills in the classroom, and motivation for success.
KWWL Best of the Class Lydia Benesh
Co-sponsored by KWWL and the University of Northern Iowa, honoring a top graduating senior who is a role model of excellence and a representative of our outstanding seniors.
Lions Club Scholarship $750 each Augustus Andrews, Brady Erickson Local Lions Club members work to improve the quality of our lives by supporting community projects. They are members of an international organization who work to meet the needs that challenge the communities of the world. The winner of this scholarship is selected for their leadership, service and academic achievements.
Margaret Garry ‘79 Memorial Scholarship $3,000 Benjamin Merlak In honor of Margaret Garry, Class of 1979. This award is given to a senior who demonstrates strong academic ability, strong participation in school activities and a positive outlook on life.
Mark Kraus – Timberline Manufacturing Entrepreneurial Scholarship $1,000 Ryder Bunch The purpose of this scholarship is to assist a graduating senior of Mount Vernon High School in attending an accredited trade school, college, or university. Students who are able to demonstrate an entrepreneurial spirit are favored.
Mediacom World Class Scholarship $1,000 each Lillian See, Jackson Rhomberg Mediacom’s World Class Scholarships are awarded annually to recognize outstanding high school seniors who have demonstrated excellent leadership skills. Students may use the $1,000 scholarships to support educational expenses at any accredited post-secondary institution.
Megan Cox Klaus ‘08 Memorial Scholarship $500 each Claire Gaffney, Dallas Olberding The Megan Cox Klaus ‘08 Scholarship is established to honor her legacy and memory as a passionate and dedicated educator and an incredibly gifted performer.
Melchert Book Scholarship $250 Natalie Clark This scholarship is awarded to a female, 4-year participant in volleyball, track, tennis, orchestra or choir. She is someone who is a leader in her activity, and stays involved to help encourage development of the program. She will have maintained a 3.5 cumulative GPA.
Mount Vernon Archery Club Scholarship $250 Brooke Bausch Award given to a Mount Vernon Archery Club member who has been a member for at least two years and has maintained academic eligibility. To be applied toward post-secondary school expenses of the recipient.
Mount Vernon Area Arts Council Scholarship $1,000 Jesse Schwiebert Given to a senior who is going onto a two- or four-year college in an art related field of study which may include Visual (Painting, Drawing, Computer Graphics, Architecture, etc), Performing (Dance, Music, Drama, etc), or Writing.
Mount Vernon Bank & Trust Company Scholarship $1,750 Michael Briesemeister This scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior who will be entering an accredited four-year Iowa college or university in the fall. The student selected for this award has achieved outstanding ACT scores, class rank, and grade point average. In addition, strong co-curricular and community participation is required for this recognition.
Mount Vernon Community School District Foundation Scholarships $500 each Elijah Dickson, Zachary Fall, Mitchell Gage, Kaleigh Jordan, Josey Kosman, Benjamin Nydegger, Parker Sauser, Ethan Stanerson, Bradley Vislisel, Dylan Winkler Through philanthropy, the Foundation supports the commitment of the Mount Vernon Schools to Excellence in Academics, Arts and Athletics. This year, we are privileged to present $500 scholarships to ten deserving graduates based on scholarship, leadership, citizenship and service.
Mount Vernon Education Association (MVEA) Scholarship $350 Kia McNeal Awarded to a senior student who wants to enter the rewarding profession of teaching. This scholarship is supported by our local teachers through the Mount Vernon Education Association.
Mount Vernon Fine Arts Association Scholarship $500 each Finley McVay, Claire Gaffney, Caleb Dausener, Lydia Benesh, Parker Whitham, Milo Olinger
The Mount Vernon Fine Arts Association supports and promotes the arts throughout the MVCSD. These scholarships are given to students who excel in theatre, speech, art, band, orchestra and choir.
Mount Vernon Mustang Booster Club Scholarship $500 each Kameron Brand, Henry Ryan Awarded to one female and one male athlete with a GPA of at least 2.5, a varsity letter winner in at least two sports, who have participated in three consecutive years (injury being an only exception) in at least one sport, and are continuing their education.
Mount Vernon Volunteer Fire Fighters Association Scholarship
$500 each Sadie Hanna, Laura Swart This scholarship is funded by the Mount Vernon Volunteer Firefighters Association and awarded to two graduating seniors.
Mount Vernon Lodge #112 Free Mason, A.F & A.M. Scholarshi Jesse Schwiebert Free Masonry in Iowa, and Mount Vernon Masonic Lodge #112 in particular, believe that education is the foundation of our country.
MV-L Community Charitable Development Group Award $1,000 Lily Krob Awarded to a senior based on volunteerism/community activism.
MV-L Community Charitable Development Group Heritage Days Volunteerism Award $250 each Ryder Bunch, Abigail Morf Given to two seniors (one male, one female) who demonstrate a spirit of volunteerism in the community. Recipients will also serve as grand marshals in the Heritage Days parade.
MVHS Faculty Scholarship $250 each Lydia Benesh, Nolan Jackson, Jensen Meeker, Laila Moellering This year, the Faculty Scholarships are given to 2 seniors who demonstrate the qualities of a good student. Hard work, preparing for class, and being a leader in class discussions are factors in determining the scholarship recipients.
MVHS Student Council Scholarship $200 each Jackson Rhomberg, Ryan Vig Awarded to 2 graduating seniors who have contributed in a positive way to the school climate and have been involved in multiple activities.
MV-L Community Theatre Scholarship $150 Lydia Benesh Scholarship awarded to recognize studen ts who have dedicated themselves to local community theatre productions throughout their school careers. This is not necessarily based on who is in productions, but by the number of shows/hours involved with productions.
P.E.O. Chapter DT Leadership Gift $400 Margaret Player Awarded to a young woman who exhibits excellence in leadership, academics, extracurricular activities, community service and potential for future success.
Quill & Scroll Journalism Honor Society Abigail Morf, Tori Oelrich, Dallas Olberding To be inducted, student must have a “B” average, participate in at least three semesters of journalism, and do award-winning work in publications.
Reid Hanley ‘64 Memorial Scholarship $1,000 Abigail Morf The Reid M. Hanley Journalism Award is presented to aspiring journalists in honor and memory of Reid Hanley, a 1964 graduate of Mount Vernon High School, and a loyal Mustang fan who had an unconditional love and commitment to the Mount Vernon community. Recipients of this award reflect the journalism spirit and integrity that Reid practiced and promoted everyday of his long and productive career as a highly respected big city sports writer with a small-town sensibility.
Ruth Michaud Scholarship $300 Natalie Clark Established by Norman Michaud in memory of Ruth Michaud, long time Mount Vernon High School English teacher. Awarded to a graduating female student who plans to further her education by attending a four year institution.
Teaching Creativity Award $500 Sadie Hanna Awarded to one senior who contributes time and expertise to enhance the learning experiences of students in the arts.
Thriving Mustang Scholarship $10,000, renewable up to 4 years Remy Merrill Awarded to a high school senior who has demonstrated a tenacity to succeed amidst adversity with plans to continue education via a college, university or trade school.
U.S. Nameplate Scholarship $1,000 each Jacob Cannon, Emma Meester The U.S. Nameplate Scholarship is graciously given in memory of the owner, Richard C. Novetzke, by his family who wishes to award two $1000 scholarships. In honor of the legacy of hard work and tenacity that Dick modeled, and with the best wishes of his family who believe in the pursuit of education, and in the deep rooted tradition and pride of Mount Vernon, it is hoped that these scholarships will instill in their recipients a quest for excellence in the field they are pursuing, and a wish to give back to their own communities someday.
Mount Vernon Class of 2023 Scholarship recipients
June 1, 2023