The Lisbon City Council approved a contract for patchwork and sealcoat work on streets following the completion of the water main projects.
L.L. Pelling provided a bid for sealcoating of $46,545.30 for areas of sealcoating along many city streets after work on the water main, and Prairie Road Builders has patchwork jobs totaling $59,273.
The patchwork and sealcoating of some of these streets was already in the city’s budget.
Work will not be started on these sealcoat and patchwork projects until after the works on water main projects moves to a different portion of the town of Lisbon.
Council member Mike Williams said that was one of his biggest concerns, that the patchwork and sealcoating be finished.
“There are a lot of city streets that are being damaged by heavy equipment on them, and repairing these sealcoats and patches is definitely needed,” Williams said.
Public works director Travis Bagby said that the work for L.L. Pelling and Brecke for this work will definitely be tightly controlled, but Prairie’s patchwork was when they could get to the jobs.
Bagby also commended the Brecke workers for all they have done to help make the water main projects less of an inconvenience to property owners.
“They’ve moved dirt to fill some of the holes where tree stumps have been removed as we‘ve gone along, or helped people carry bottled water containers to their homes while they’ve been on site,” Bagby said.
New firefighterThe council also approved Aaron Nost to serve on the Lisbon Fire Department. His nomination to the fire department was made by the department review board. The membership of the Lisbon Fire Department is now at capacity, with 40 members.