Senior art showMount Vernon senior art students are hosting a gallery of their works at Mount Vernon Creates. Students participating include:
Sydney Benn, Logan Eriksen, Sadie Hanna, Elysia Horton, Addison Norfolk, Tori Oelrich, Sophia Schlueter, Jesse Schwiebert, Jennell Searle, Parker Whitham and Amara Williams.
A reception for the artists will be held today (Thursday, May 11) from 5 – 6 p.m. at Mount Vernon Creates.
Chamber Music concert in Lisbon Heritage Hall
The Arancia Quartet will perform a concert of chamber music in Lisbon Heritage Hall on Wednesday, May 17, at 7 p.m. Their program includes Piano Quartet No. 2 by Antonin Dvorak as well as the modern Thousandth Orange by Caroline Shaw. Musicians are University of Iowa music faculty members Craig Jordan, Fatima Gassama, Kimberly Hanks, and Charles Klyce. All are welcome at this free event sponsored by ArtShare, a program in University of Iowa’s Office of Community Engagement.
Adult sand volleyball league 2023 An Adult sand volleyball league is kicking off this summer. Games will happen on Wednesdays in June at the sand volleyball courts at Mount Vernon, running from 6 to 8:30 p.m.
Registration for adult teams is open now through June 1 and cost is $125 per team. Registration fee must be paid to Mount Vernon Community School District by June 7, and eight teams is the current max cap of teams. All proceeds from the league benefit the Mount Vernon Volleyball team.
All participants must park at Mount Vernon Middle School parking lot or circle drive, not along Palisades Road. Alcohol is not allowed on school property.
Four rostered players must be available to play at your game time, or the games will be forfeited.
Teams can play with 3 women and two men or three men and two women, with minimum of two men and two women to play.
A series of three games will be played for all matches, with scores going to 25 and winning by two points. A one-hour time limit is also established.
Serving positions should alternate between males and females.
Concessions will also be available, with proceeds benefitting the Mount Vernon volleyball team.
There is also a zero tolerance policy for abusive language, taunting or trash talking.
If you are interested or need more information, contact Maggie Willems at [email protected] or call 319-929-4542.
Shred DayHeartland Shredding will be on site at Mount Vernon Bank and Trust to shred private papers needed for destruction Saturday, May 13. The free event runs from 9-11 a.m. at the Mount Vernon bank parking lot.
Lisbon upper elementary
variety show Lisbon Upper Elementary Show will host a variety show Tuesday, May 23, at 1:30 p.m. Visitors are asked to watch from the Auditorium balcony.
Sun spots May 11
May 11, 2023