Lisbon is looking to change the zoning ordinance for larger lots in the community.
The issue came before the council when resident Michael Reiling wanted to construct a garage at his property at 810 Hill Ridge Drive in Lisbon. Reiling’s property sits on roughly an acre large property, with several large trees in his yard.
“We also have a septic system in the back yard,” Reiling said. “Between that and the large trees, that really takes up most of our back yard and would make it more costly to try and install a new garage in those spaces. We could take down some of the large trees or possibly our basketball court, but we were wondering if there was a way to do this that would install the shed along the east side of the property.”
Reiling has visited with his neighbors about the new garage, and they are in favor, as he plans to do something that would add to the value of his property.
City administrator Brandon Siggins said the way the ordinance is currently spelled out, the options for Reiling were to present this to the board of adjustment for a variance, change the ordinance or seek an address change for the corner lot property to use South Washington Street as the home’s address. If that address was used, that the garage would be in the back yard of the property, not the front or side yard.
Council member Nathan Smith said he felt that the current ordinance was ridiculous and didn’t apply in this situation the same as it would for a home on a much smaller lot.
“Unfortunately, we have to follow our code or change the code,” Smith said. “Changing the code could delay the time construction could be started.”
Council member Sara Nost agreed that the request wasn’t ridiculous, it just didn’t match what the council had set in the past. She also understood the pain of having to change a street address for homeowner.
“We aren’t setting out to make it a hardship for people to make changes to their properties,” Nost said.
Reiling said he has been working on the design for this garage for the past few years, and is okay if the process must be delayed for a while to maintain his current street address.
The council set May 22 to hold a public hearing on the issue and possible adoption of the ordinance change, which would spell out variances for much larger properties allowing more flexibility for where sheds or garages can be located.
Lisbon looking to establish ordinance for larger lots
May 4, 2023
About the Contributor
Nathan Countryman, Editor
Nathan Countryman is the Editor of the Mount Vernon-Lisbon Sun.