The levy rate for the City of Lisbon will decrease slightly for the coming year by roughly $0.06 per $1,000.
City administrator Brandon Siggins said that levy rate was established after finding out how much the property rollback impacts the city budget. The city received roughly $60,000 less in revenues for the coming fiscal year.
“I felt comfortable for setting the levy rate at $12.44 per $1,000,” Siggins said. “That amount gets all the items requested during the budget hearings.”
Council member Rick Scott asked if that rate also accounts for the potential increases to staff employees, and Siggins noted it does.
“We also had our city insurance rate go up by roughly $20,000, and health insurance costs increase by roughly 11.6 percent,” Siggins said. “We had budgeted for a 12 percent increase for health insurance costs.”
Siggins said while this budget will cover many things in the budget, the city will have to be mindful of general fund expenses for the coming year.
Lisbon levy rate decreases
April 20, 2023
About the Contributor
Nathan Countryman, Editor
Nathan Countryman is the Editor of the Mount Vernon-Lisbon Sun.