Summer help discussion
The council also held a discussion on the proposed summer help for the city.
City administrator Brandon Siggins was asking for approval to hire an operator for the City of Lisbon for $18 an hour, Brian Blinks, whose term of service would last between April 24 and the beginning of October. The plan is for that position to be responsible for helping with the mowing during the growing season, especially noting the amount of acres of park space with the new sports complex and Nature Park areas.
Public works director Travis Bagby explained at a previous meeting that the city is working with one fewer person. The water main project will also use one person for the majority of the summer.
Council member Rick Scott wondered if it would be smarter to have the operator position working more closely with Bagby for the summer and allowing high schoolers to conduct more of the mowing.
Council member Sara Nost said she trusted between Siggins and Bagby, they knew where workers would be best used.
“We’re not here to micromanage the employees of the city or staff,” Nost said.
March 31 storm damage
City administrator Brandon Siggins said that roughly 27 homes were impacted with damage from the March 31 storm.
According to Siggins, damage in the community was seen from straight line winds, not a tornado.
Trees falling on houses, damage to roofs and other property damage was seen, as well as many tree branches downed.
Siggins noted that his family farm was impacted by the storm, and commended the efforts by mayor Doug O’Connor for helping take the lead on making sure clean-up efforts occurred.
There was damage to the city’s fence, as well as water flowing into the city hall. The new pavilion installed out at the Meyers Meadow area was damaged, but that was covered by insurance.
The doors at a few of the barns at Nature Park were also damaged. Siggins will be seeking estimates for the repairs. Council members voiced concerns about the cost for those repairs, especially since those buildings are no longer insured following the derecho.
O’Connor noted that Lisbon public works, Martelle and Mechanicsville, as well as Lisbon Mount Vernon Ambulance Service, Mount Vernon Fire Department and Mount Vernon-Lisbon Police Department all aided with the clean-up efforts for the community.
Lisbon city council briefs April 11
April 20, 2023