TUESDAY, MARCH 21, 2023 9:00 A.M.
(These are the minutes in their entirety. Archived minutes can be found at
The Board met in session at the Linn County Jean Oxley Public Service Center. Present: Chairperson Zumbach, Vice Chairperson Rogers and Supervisor Running-Marquardt. Board members voting “AYE” unless otherwise noted.
Chairperson Zumbach called the meeting to order.
Motion by Zumbach, seconded by Rogers to approve minutes of March 20, 2023 as printed.
The Board heard updates from the following Department Heads:
Charlie Nichols, Planning & Development Dir. – budget update; fully staffed; signed 28E agreement with Center Point and working with Springville; Central City asked to stop using the county for rental inspections; BSA software upgrade is now live; carbon pipeline ordinance update (will be on agenda for their proposal and alternative to setbacks); Duane Arnold Solar wants to come to Board meeting beginning of April and give update on their plans; will provide full update and talk about moratorium and extension request next week; discussed intent to qualify for designation for broadband intervention zones; Dow’s developer is ready for the final plat of the first phase and working with Secondary Roads on what long term maintenance looks like; permit numbers have decreased slightly.
Britt Hutchins, Purchasing Dir. – KPI’s; budget is on target and fully staffed; postage statistics; assisted with various purchasing project, bids and RFP’s for county departments; working on new car rental program the county was upgraded to; his office has started the process of meeting with all county departments to meet new employees and discuss how Purchasing can help their department.
Supervisor Rogers addressed Sustainability’s pilot program for departments with fleet vehicles to test electric vehicles to see if they would fit for any county department’s such as Purchasing.
Steve Estenson, Risk Management Dir. – one FEMA project closed out last week (repair of the communication towers for E911); four more FEMA projects in line waiting to be closed out; working on training for all county departments; attending Secondary Roads upcoming annual spring training; will be going to the Mental Health Access Center to discuss safety and security items with the director.
The Board canvassed the votes of the March 7, 2023 2nd Tier Special Election for College Community School District Physical Plant and Equipment Levy (PPEL).
Joi Alexander, Communications Dir. – a lot of work with the Assessor’s Office on the assessment notices that were sent out; various public announcements for various county departments; advocating for LIFTS services they provide; spring newsletter is complete; year in review being wrapped up; new property tax tool on the website; working on CivicClerk agenda management software with implementation in April or May; CP Media will replace Granicus and the cloud based system that stores recordings with implementation in June; website is ongoing project; PAFR award for FY21; trying to boost the sign up notifications on the website; social media meeting this week with various county department’s; April is National County Government month; will be attending START training; ongoing brand management.
Supervisor Rogers asked if there has been any movement on Iowa Ideas and the Board’s involvement and Alexander responded that they would welcome the Board being a sponsor.
Adjournment at 10:12 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
JOEL D. MILLER, Linn County Auditor
By: Amanda Hoy, Executive Assistant
Published in the MVL Sun, April 6, 2023.
Linn BoS March 21 minutes
April 6, 2023