The Lisbon School calendar for 2023-24 was approved by the school board.
Superintendent Autumn Pino said that the calendar does keep with ending the first semester at winter break for the school year.
“When you look at the calendars, it may look like first semester and second semester are lopsided,” Pino said. “But there are a lot of factors that come into play. Snow days usually do impact the amount of days in the second semester that we’ll lose from instruction. We also have roughly a week of testing that happens in the spring that lowers the amount of instructional days. Also, there’s a period after graduation where the level of instruction just changes for the building, as students see the end of the year approaching.”
Teachers will come back for winter break on Tuesday, Jan. 2, with students returning Wednesday, Jan. 3. Jan. 2 is a professional development day or grading catch-up day for teachers.
The school year will begin Wednesday, Aug. 23. There are a total of 1127.5 hours of instruction, with 1080 hours required, giving the district 47.5 hours of cushion.
Conferences have been shifted back a week, taking feedback from teachers and parents into account.