TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2023 8:00 A.M.
(These are the minutes in their entirety. Archived minutes can be found at
The Board met in session at the Linn County Jean Oxley Public Service Center. Present: Chairperson Zumbach, Vice Chairperson Rogers (via phone until 8:34 a.m.) and Supervisor Kirsten Running-Marquardt. Board members voting “AYE” unless otherwise noted.
Chairperson Zumbach called the meeting to order.
The Board met with Elected Officials and Department Heads to discuss County-related issues including:
Steve Estenson, Risk Mgr., presented worker’s compensation payments for various county departments. He reviewed employee injury statistics and injury reporting procedures.
Dawn Jindrich and Sara Bearrows, Budget & Finance, gave an update for the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget noting that SF181 has passed and at the meeting this afternoon they should have a final number from the Auditor’s Office. Jindrich gave a recap of the budget this far.
Supervisor Rogers stated that March is tax time noting that the public parking lot has been packed the last two days. He asked that county employees please park across the street.
Motion by Zumbach, seconded by Running-Marquardt to approve minutes of February 27, 2023 as printed.
The Board heard updates from the following Department Heads:
David Thielen, LCCS Executive Dir. – General Assistance: received reallocation of $199,000 for rental assistance program; upcoming policy updates; Juvenile Detention: server and camera upgrades with IT; Access Center: working on opening community based withdrawal management program; working with State of Iowa to address the challenges of EMS not being able to bill for taking individuals to MHAC; budgeting for MHAC through East Central Region continues; Child & Youth Development: monitoring the landscape of changes from the Health and DHS merger; proposed changes to payments and income eligibility guidelines; Options: awaiting award notice for training and infrastructure; work is ongoing for redoing doors for ADA compliance; ECI/Decat: state will be putting out an RRP to provide free CPR training for childcare centers; ECI is in the HHS bill; East Central Region: budget for MHAC was given to ECR on February 8th; region was underspent by $6 million again this fiscal year and are opening up a grant process to get those funds spent down.
Chairperson Zumbach asked Thielen about the process for closing the county buildings and how that impacts Thielen’s office. Discussion continued regarding giving Thielen authority for changes. Lisa Powell is working on updating the weather policy.
A lengthy discussion took place regarding the levied tax dollars for Mental Health.
Chairperson Zumbach stressed the fact that taxpayer dollars coming back to the county through the Mental Health Region should be spent on the Region and not appropriated back to Des Moines.
Dennis Goemaat, Conservation Dir. – various bike trail projects; various campground projects; Bird Preserve concept design has been developed; mountain bike trails; working on hazard tree removal within parks; grooming for cross-country skiing has been infrequent; Linn County Trails Association presented the Conservation Board with a $100,000 check to support development of the Grant Wood Trail; would like Tamara Marcus to be allowed to participate in the Wilderness Trek again this year; Conservation Board passed a resolution for bond funded projects and asked that the bonds be sold.
Dustin Peterson, Veterans Affairs Dir. – budget update; services to veterans; upcoming policy changes; claims for benefits (74); starting January 17, 2023, veterans in suicidal crisis can go to any VA or non-VA health care facility for free emergency health care at no cost; thanked Communications Dept. for the transition to an eNewsletter; organized a Veteran Community Resource Working Group and met for the first time in January; reviewing their current Emergency Assistance Policy; 3,123 Linn County veterans received federal benefits.
Phil Lowder, IT Dir. – budget update; two vacancies; security issues (patch Tuesday); US Marshall Service announced they were a victim of ransomware and FBI breached as well.
Jason Siebrecht, GIS Mgr., presented a PowerPoint highlighting projects his department has been working on.
Tamara Marcus, Sustainability Dir. – facilitating life cycle cost for renewable energy committee; San Juan wilderness trek; internal greenhouse gas inventory report is underway; pilot project for energy efficiency (ARPA funds); electric vehicle week (internally focused); AmeriCorp members are planning earth month series for April and organizing a lunch and learn; energy efficiency block grant (Linn County awarded
$76,000). Marcus asked the Board about the status of the Resiliency Coordinator position for her department.
Supervisor Running-Marquardt stated that she is in support of the position.
Chairperson Zumbach stated that he needs a job description as there could be cost savings if streamlined with other departments and they need to get through the budget first.
Supervisor Rogers added that the Board needs final budget numbers before looking at this position.
Jon Gallagher, Soil Conservation – hosted workshop at Lowe Park regarding soil health; USDA General CRP signup to begin February 7th; completed 2023 Slough Bill signup; City of Center Point received formal approval of their Urban Water Quality Initiative application from the State of Iowa; 2020 Derecho Disaster Recovery Housing Project Awards (16 projects in Linn County); annual invasive species and weed commissioner meeting to be held March 1st, SF34 has moved out of the subcommittee and was approved with amendments (poses changes to rules that restrict local governments from enacting rules regulating topsoil requirements and stormwater runoff).
Adjournment at 10:08 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
JOEL D. MILLER, Linn County Auditor
By: Amanda Hoy, Executive Assistant
Published in the MVL Sun, March 16, 2023.
Linn BoS Feb 28 minutes
March 16, 2023