Every year the Tuesday Morning Book Club members suggest books for the following year’s schedule. All the titles are compiled and a ballot is created so that the 12 most popular books can be selected for the upcoming year. For several years now, books dealing with Social Justice Issues have been on the ballot and have received many votes, but just haven’t made it to the “top 12.”
For this reason, a sub-group has been formed that will focus on these books. The Social Justice Book Group will meet quarterly to discuss books that reflect social justice, racism, decolonization, identity, and personal narratives that relate to marginalized communities.
Anyone in the community is welcome to join this book group. If anyone has any questions, they can contact Sherene Player at [email protected]. The group will meet on the following dates in Room 108 at Cole Library from 9 — 11:30 a.m. to discuss the following books:
• Tuesday, April 4, Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption by Bryan Stevenson
• Friday, July 7. White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Robin DiAngelo
• Tuesday, October 3, Cobalt Red: How the Blood of the Congo Powers Our Lives by Siddharth Kara
Cole Corner: Highlighting the social justice book club
March 16, 2023