In March, Cole Library and Lisbon Library will join together to host a new series of classes offered by Linn County Master Gardeners.
Four Master Gardeners will present a garden program on four consecutive Tuesday evenings from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. in Room 108 on the first floor of the Cole Public Library located on the south side of the Cornell College campus, up Library Lane.
Who are the master gardeners? They are your friends and neighbors who have a passion for gardening. To become a Master Gardener you must take 40 hours of horticulture class training, complete a 40 hour internship, and then continue to take courses and volunteer so that you are up to date on the latest best practices for gardeners in Iowa.
The classes are free and open to everyone in our communities and do not require pre- registration. The subjects and teachers are as follows:
March 7 — Fruit Trees, Maeghan MacDougall LCMG-Everyone loves flowering trees in the Spring so why not get more bang for your buck and use a fruit tree to do it for you? What fruit trees grow well here? How do I plant a fruiting tree correctly (including cross-pollination) to ensure I get fruit? Dwarf? Semi-dwarf? Standard? What’s that all about? How do I get the fruit tree I want to be the size I want?
March 14 – Nutrition of the Weeds, Trilby Sedlacek Check for more information on this program
March 21 — Gentle Yoga for Gardeners, Diane Wiesenfeld LCMGGardening can cause some wear and tear on the body, but simple yoga can help. No special clothing or equipment is needed for this chair yoga class, led by Diane Wiesenfeld. LCMG, CYT-200. You will receive instruction and participate in gentle movement to help you take care of yourself and your garden. (This class was cancelled last spring due to illness so we are so happy to be able to offer it again.)
March 28 — Climbing Color; Clematis in your Garden!, Wanda Lunn LCMGClematis can add height and glorious color to your garden using very little space! Easy to grow with a rainbow of blooms. Plant them on a trellis, fence or wall for all summer color.
All are welcome at these informative sessions. Please call librarians Cathy Boggs at 895-4262 or Amy White at 455-2800 with questions.
Mark your calendars, come to Cole Library in Mount Vernon, and think Spring.
Cole Corner: Master Gardener classes returning in 2023
March 2, 2023