When winter weather strikes, it can affect the hours and activities at Cole Library. Inclement weather can cause us to close, and if the Mount Vernon Community School District cancels school we won’t hold programs such as Story Time and Lego Club.
Before you venture out in the snow, keep up with any closures or cancelations by checking our website and following us on Facebook. We strive to always inform our patrons about any impending changes in our hours or program schedule as soon as possible.
You can find our website at colelibrary.org and our Facebook page is titled the Mount Vernon Public Library.
The college’s side of the library has their own Facebook page under the name Cole Library, so if you follow them, connect with us as well. Our page has the most up to date information in regards to the public library’s programs and schedule.
And even if we are closed, you can always access our e-resources like Hoopla and Bridges!
Cole Corner: Watch library Facebook pages for changes during inclement weaher
February 23, 2023