The Senate has completed its third week. This week I attended the Justice Systems Appropriations Subcommittee, Workforce Committee, and State Government Committee. I was a part of the subcommittee for SF 33 that would allow any former crew member of any US Navy vessel named after the State of Iowa to be eligible for in-state tuition rates at Iowa’s regent universities and community colleges. SF 33 passed out of subcommittee and is headed to the Veterans Affairs committee for consideration.
We debated the first bill of the session on Monday the 23rd into the early hours of Tuesday. HF 68, the school choice proposal put forth by the governor, passed both the House and the Senate. I voted no on behalf of District 42, which reflected the will of 68% of the people who contacted me or I spoke to via phone or in person/forums. I will always do my best to represent the people of the district and make the very best vote possible for them and the State of Iowa.
Iowa Senate Republicans are working hard to continue to find ways to make Iowa the best state to live in. The Wall Street Journal reported this week that eight states have banded together to increase tax ones on those trying to leave high-tax states. The Journal wrote, “The California bill would also require taxpayers with illiquid assets to file early reports on their holdings and eventually pay the tax, even if they move out of the state. Communist China doesn’t even do that.” We want to keep Iowans here in Iowa, not chase them out. That is why we continue working towards common-sense solutions such as lowering taxes and eliminating needless regulations. I am confident Iowa is on the right path, and we will keep delivering real results for working families.
It takes around 10,000 Iowans to staff polling places for a statewide election. 2023 isn’t a general election year, but several counties have local elections on March 7, and the statewide city-school elections take place this November. County auditors are constantly looking for more people to serve. Poll workers check in voters, answer questions and help ensure elections run smoothly in each precinct. It’s a great way to serve your state and nation, and you get paid! State law requires a bipartisan balance of poll workers at each precinct. To learn more, visit
I encourage my constituents to contact me using my legislative email ([email protected]) with any comments, questions, or concerns. I look forward to another great week of representing the people of District 42.
From the Statehouse: Why no vote on HF 68, sign up for helping with school, city elections
Sen. Charlie McClintock
State District 42
February 2, 2023