FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 2023 1:30 P.M.
(These are the minutes in their entirety. Archived minutes can be found at
The Board met in session at the Linn County Jean Oxley Public Service Center. Present: Chairperson Zumbach, Vice Chairperson Rogers and Supervisor Kirsten Running-Marquardt. Board members voting “AYE” unless otherwise noted.
Chairperson Zumbach called the meeting to order.
The Board met to review the following proposed Fiscal Year 2024 budgets.
Present: Dawn Jindrich, Finance Dir.; Sara Bearrows, Budget Dir.; David Thielen and Staci Meade, LCCS; Auditor Joel Miller, Deputies Shoop, Warfield & Betsworth.
Community Services – FY24 proposed general fund net appropriation request exceeds the Board’s guidelines by $36,068 in Community Services and $14,741 in Youth Services.
Thielen and Meade presented their budget overview, KPI’s, vehicle request’s and Offers – Linn County Home Health Reorganization — $65,432 and Ryan White Program Case Manager — $82,604.
Motion by Rogers, seconded by Running-Marquardt to approve FY24 Community Services expenditures in the amount of $17,430,455 and revenues in the amount of $8,497,805.
Auditor – FY24 proposed general basic budget meets the Board’s guidelines.
Betsworth presented the budget overview.
Shoop presented the Real Estate KPI.
Warfield presented the following Offers: Elections Systems Administrator — $84,000 and Election Office Coordinator (20 hour’s) — $10,000; vehicle request; KPI’s and capital improvement request.
A lengthy discussion continued regarding Miller’s proposal to convert deputy positions to professional management positions. He is asking for the Board’s support of this resolution and approval by the end of January. Board members are in favor of Miller’s proposal.
Motion by Rogers, seconded by Running-Marquardt to approve FY24 Auditor expenditures in the amount of $3,188,013 and revenues in the amount of $335,510.
Bearrows stated that they are in the home stretch of the budget process and are looking to see if any offers are ARPA eligible.
Adjournment at 3:26 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
JOEL D. MILLER, Linn County Auditor
By: Amanda Hoy, Executive Assistant
Approved by:
LOUIS J. ZUMBACH, Chairperson
Board of Supervisors
Published in the MVL Sun, Jan. 26, 2023.
Linn BoS Jan 13 minutes
January 26, 2023