TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, 2023 11:00 A.M.
(These are the minutes in their entirety. Archived minutes can be found at
The Board met in session at the Linn County Jean Oxley Public Service Center. Present: Chairperson Zumbach, Vice Chairperson Rogers and Supervisor Kirsten Running-Marquardt. Board members voting “AYE” unless otherwise noted.
Chairperson Rogers called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Public Comment: Auditor Joel Miller welcomed Supervisor Running-Marquardt to the Board. He stated that he wanted to speak on behalf of the proposed change in meeting times, noting that his office has a vested interest in those meeting times as he has staff members present at those meetings. The time proves to be problematic as some of those meetings run into the lunch hour so the morning is pretty much shot and in the afternoon, they have to play catch up on the minutes. It would be nice to move meetings up earlier so minutes can be typed up and recorded while they are still fresh. He stated that he would also like to see some consistency, noting that all three meetings (Mon., Tues., Wed.) be at the same time. He also suggested holding a meeting once a month in one of the 17 cities throughout the county to get people engaged with an agenda item that is relevant to that particular area. The Board discussed the appointment of the 2023 Chair and Vice Chair.
Supervisor Rogers suggested that he be Vice Chair, as long as Supervisor Running-Marquardt agreed, noting that this would give her time to become familiar with the position of Supervisor before being put in a position of Vice Chairperson which can be challenging. He clarified that she would have the option to be the Chairperson next year if she chose to do so. Supervisor Running-Marquardt agreed with that proposal.
Motion by Running-Marquardt, seconded by Rogers to appoint Supervisor Zumbach as the Chairperson for 2023.Motion by Running-Marquardt, seconded by Zumbach to appoint Supervisor Rogers as Vice Chairperson for 2023.Chairperson Zumbach continued to conduct the meeting.
Motion by Rogers, seconded by Running-Marquardt to approve Consent Agenda as follows:
Resolution 2023-1-1
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors, Linn County, Iowa, hereby
designate the following named newspapers as the Official County Newspapers
pursuant to Chapter 349, Code of Iowa:
The Gazette Company The Linn Newsletter The Sun
The Gazette Company is to receive compensation based on one full designation
and the two weekly newspapers will share equally in the remaining two
Resolution 2023-1-2
WHEREAS, Section 331.323(2d), Code of Iowa, provides that the Board of
Supervisors is authorized to order a county officer to destroy records in the
officer’s possession which have been on file for more than ten (10) years and
not required to be kept as permanent records.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Chairperson of the Board of
Supervisors, Linn County, Iowa, be is hereby authorized to order the County
Auditor to destroy all Assessor’s books, assessment rolls, tax lists, county
vouchers, cancelled warrants on file in the office of the County Auditor for
more than ten (10) years and order the County Treasurer to destroy all
duplicate tax receipts on file in the office of the County Treasurer for more
than ten years.
Resolution 2023-1-3
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors, Linn County, Iowa, that the
County Auditor is authorized to issue warrants when said Board is not in
session for the following purposes provided for in Section 331.506 (2 & 3) ,
Code of Iowa, and that all bills paid under said Section shall be passed upon
by the Board of Supervisors at the first meeting following such payments.
For fixed charges including, but not limited to, freight, express, postage, water, lights, telephone service or contractual services previously approved by the Board of Supervisors, after a bill is filed with the Auditor.
For salaries and payrolls if the compensation has been fixed or approved by the Board of Supervisors, under whose direction or supervision the compensation is earned.
For rent assistance and insurance settlement payments.
For refunds due caused by an overpayment of fees to any Linn County office or department or for return of payment due when payment has been made for a service, license or permit that will no longer be performed or issued.
Approve Cigarette Permit for the Troy Mills Store, 5913 Main St., Troy Mills, retroactive to December 27, 2022.
Motion by Zumbach, seconded by Rogers to approve minutes of December 21, 2022 as printed.
Motion by Rogers, seconded by Zumbach to approve claims for payroll deduction checks #71009525-#71009544 in the amt. of $740,041.60, payroll deduction ACH in the amt. of $27,332.41, and payroll wires in the amount of $1,976,679.85 for a total of $2,744,053.86.
The Board discussed a proposed change of time to the Work Session and Formal Session meetings.
Chairperson Zumbach stated that this request came from staff, much as described by Auditor Miller earlier. Longer supervisor meetings that begin at 11 a.m. tend to cut into the lunch hour and push staff work back into the afternoon.
Supervisor Rogers stated that historically the Board has held their meetings on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings and have been held at various times in the past and agreed that a standard time can be helpful. They are trying to make this convenient for their internal customers (staff) as well as their external customers in the public as well.
Chairperson Zumbach stated that after listening to Auditor Miller, he would like to start meetings at 9:00 a.m. every day and can understand the importance of the meetings being held at a consistent time. His preference is to change the 11:00 a.m. meetings to 10:00 a.m. Supervisors Rogers and Running-Marquardt concurred with that suggestion and agreed that meeting in other communities sounds like something they can discuss later.
Motion by Rogers, seconded by Zumbach to approve Employment Change Roster (payroll authorizations) as follows:
Supervisor Stacey Walker Termination/end of term 12/31/22
Technical Center Mgr . Drew Hoppenworth Termination/resignation 01/05/23
Custodian Tchable Kombate New hire – PT 01/09/23 10A $18.01 + $ .25 20 hours/week Replaces E. Glenn
Deputy Sheriff Cole Burns Transfer from Correctional Center to Patrol 01/07/23 D5 $36.25 + $ .25 – D5 $36.25
Communications Oper. Bridget Erbst New hire – FT 01/09/23 CB $25.14 Replaces H. O’Connor
Communications Oper. Bryton Franks New hire – FT 01/09/23 CB $25.14 Replaces L. Mumby
Deputy Sheriff Nicholas Williams Termination/resignation 01/20/23
Child Care Worker Sherry Kunce Termination/no longer available for on-call 12/02/22
Child Care Worker Destinee Niemeier Termination/no longer available for on-call 12/02/22
Youth Leader Caroline Koerner Transfer from on-call to FT 01/07/23 55A $19.92 + $ .25 Replaces M. Velo
Adjournment at 11:21 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
JOEL D. MILLER, Linn County Auditor
By: Rebecca Shoop, Deputy Auditor
Approved by:
LOUIS J. ZUMBACH, Chairperson
Board of Supervisors
Published in the MVL Sun, Jan. 19, 2023.
Linn BoS Jan 3 minutes
January 19, 2023