MONDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2022 11:00 A.M.
(These are the minutes in their entirety. Archived minutes can be found at
The Board met in session at the Linn County Jean Oxley Public Service Center. Present: Chairperson Rogers, Vice Chairperson Zumbach and Supervisor Walker. Board members voting “AYE” unless otherwise noted.
Chairperson Rogers called the meeting to order.
Motion by Rogers, seconded by Walker to approve minutes of Dec. 12 & 13, 2022 as printed.
Elizabeth Rodriguez, Exec. Dir. of East Central Iowa Workforce Development Board, presented an East Central Iowa Local Workforce Development shared liability agreement.
Rodriguez also discussed changes required by the state to designate a sub-recipient of funds as well as provide an update on re-alignment actions by South Central Iowa Local Workforce Area and Iowa Workforce Development.
Motion by Rogers, seconded by Walker to approve East Central Iowa Local Workforce Development shared liability agreement.
Motion by Rogers, seconded by Walker to adopt Resolution 2022-12-199
WHEREAS, the Linn County Board of Supervisors has previously passed two resolutions stating a commitment in acting to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and ensuring an equitable approach to sustainable action; and WHEREAS, this plan is aligned with the goals stated in the Linn County Strategic Plan for fiscal years 2022-2027 which supports actions by departments that contribute to a high quality of life, customer satisfaction, and financial health for Linn County residents; and WHEREAS, staff members of 14 Linn County departments and the Board of Supervisors have engaged in a 9 month planning process to identify high level goals and specific action steps to achieve the commitments stated above. NOW, BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Linn County Board of Supervisors adopts the first-ever Linn County Internal Sustainability for the years of 2023-2025.
VOTE: Rogers & Walker – Aye Zumbach — Nay
Brent Oleson, Deputy Dir. of Policy & Comm. Relations, presented qualified Witwer Grant applications and individual Supervisor evaluations to determine finalists for funding. Any organization that received two or more votes totals $60,100. There is $19,900 left to allocate.
Discussion continued regarding other organizations that could also receive money.
Supervisor Zumbach stated that the organizations that he focused on are related to food pantries and Supervisor Walker explained his logic/approach for prioritizing the groups that he chose to support. He stated that he would be happy to support the food pantries that did not receive two votes.
The Board agreed to look at each entity that did not make it to the final round, prioritize them and submit to Oleson by the end of the day for consideration on Wednesday.
Oleson also presented a Policy for the public use of the Harris Building Gym. This policy would be for public group access after regular workday hours, weekends, or any other appropriate times as determined by the Dir. of Child & Youth Development in consultation with the Dir. of Public Health or designee.
A lengthy discussion continued regarding a written request including groups or entities that can demonstrate their financial ability to insure the health, safety and welfare of each of the individual participants in any activity to be engaged in while using the gym. Liability/and/or holding the county harmless must be assumed by the group/entity to the satisfaction of the Dir. of Risk Management.
Supervisor Walker stated that it is important to him that a Policy be on the books before his departure primarily because this public access was the intention when the building opened. He voiced concern regarding the Risk Manager not making a subjective decision on the group/entity’s financial ability to pay. He also encouraged modeling a Policy for the public use of the Harris Building conference rooms primarily used by Public Health. He also asked that the Policy include a process that will survive a transition of leadership. The Board will approve on Wednesday.
Lisa Powell, HR Dir., presented a revised Linn County Equal Opportunity and Workforce Diversity Policy– PM024. The purpose of the Policy is to provide transparency and accountability throughout Linn County about what constitutes fair treatment and what is considered discrimination or illegal harassment. Powell stated that HR will present an annual Workforce Diversity Report to the Board annually.
Supervisor Walker thanked everyone who had a hand in putting the Policy together. A report to the Board every year will move the diversity issue to be something that the Board would have to grapple with. The Board will approve on Wednesday.
Andrew Stout, OpenGov, gave a presentation on the Scope of Work, quote, and Service Agreement for OpenGov Budgeting and Planning software. This will include an annual subscription in the amount of $65,000 and a one-time deployment fee in the amount of$88,365.00. The Board will approve on Wednesday.
Stephanie Lientz, Planning & Development, presented the following which will be approved on Wednesday:
• Local Match Resolution for the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program to make available up to $6,075 of local monies to meet the minimum 15% match requirement for 2024 – 2029.
• Request for the designation of Stephanie Lientz, Planning and Zoning Division Manager, and Charlie Nichols, Planning & Development Director, as Authorized Representatives to execute on behalf of Linn County for the Linn County Multi-Jurisdiction Hazard Mitigation Plan 2024 grant application.
• Minor Boundary Change Application and Associated Rezoning Application for a 7.58-acre parcel of the Dows Farm property, located at 622 Dows Rd.
• Resolution to adopt a new Application Fee Schedule for Linn County Planning & Development specifically concerning zoning permits.
The Board canvassed the votes of the December 13, 2022 Special Election for a Palo City Council Vacancy.
Motion by Rogers, seconded by Walker to approve Employment Change Roster (payroll authorizations) as follows:
Supervisor Kirsten Running-Marquardt New hire – FT 01/01/2023 $124,967.15/annually Replaces S. Walker
Deputy Recorder Dawn Froese Promotion/appointed as Deputy Recorder 01/05/23 $74/980.29/annually
Replaces C. Bys
Clerical Specialist Courtney Hayler End of probation 12/28/22 55A $19.92 – 55B $20.90
Prosecutor II Laurie Craig Rescinded retirement 12/31/22 $115,738.82/annually
Prosecutor I Heidi Weiland Correction/no promotion 12/31/2022 $86,047.97/annually
Planner II Bradley Wylam New hire – FT 01/23/23 38A $28.10 Replaces D. Irakoze
Senior Facilities Wrkr. Jared Samuelson End of probation 01/17/23 18A $23.78 – 18B $24.64
Custodian Rocio Calderon Step increase/contract : 01/10/23 10B $18.59 + $ .25 – 10C $19.33 + $ .25
Custodian Rick Campbell End of probation 01/17/23 10A $18.01 – 10B $18.59
Deputy Sheriff Brandon Stone Step increase/contract 01/07/23 D5 $36.25 – D6 $37.33
Comm. Oper. Brenda Munier Step increase/contract 01/13/23 C2 $26.61 – C3 $27.41
Cook Desire’e Moore End of probation 01/03/23 54A $18.47 – 54B $19.40
Senior Account Clerk Megan Smith New hire – FT 12/27/22 55A $19.92 Replaces W. Leonard
Senior Account Clerk Alicia English End of probation 01/17/23 55A $19.92 – 55B $20.90
Direct Support Staff Kahdijah Grant Ceneus Step increase/contract 01/24/23 56B $22.51 – 56C $23.78
Secretary Samantha Parham End of probation 01/06/23 55A $19.92 – 55B $20.90
Youth Leader Kristi Powlistha Step increase/contract 01/08/23 55C $21.99 – 55D $23.19
Youth Counselor Mikayla Bjorklund End of probation 01/19/23 36A $24.48 + $ .25 – 36B $25.70 + $ .25
Intervention Counselor Benjamin Potter Step increase/contract 01/02/23 36C $27.05 – 36D $28.53
Secretary Mary Keiller Termination/retirement 01/27/23
Environ. Hlth. Spec. James Mount End of probation 12/19/22 39A $30.26 – 39B $31.83
Adjournment at 12:26 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
JOEL D. MILLER, Linn County Auditor
By: Rebecca Shoop, Deputy Auditor
Approved by:
BEN ROGERS, Chairperson
Board of Supervisors
Published in the Linn News, Jan. 05, 2023.
Linn BoS Dec 19 minutes
January 5, 2023