The Sleddding Hill in Mount Vernon had a brief return following the blizzard Dec. 21 through Dec. 23.
Road crews in Mount Vernon do not do any maintenance on the hill following snowstorms, leaving that snow relatively unscathed.
While temperatures were still chilly Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, the gradual warm-up in temperatures the rest of the week made the seasonal hill a spot a lot of people ventured to. As Emily Reddish noted, it was really bustling Wednesday, Dec. 28, just after lunch time in Mount Vernon. She had a group of youth from the Stonebrook neighborhood who were taking their sleds down the hill.
As well, Big’s BBQ Brewpub posted a series of video updates of the conditions on the sledding hill on their Facebook page to let sledders of all ages know what to expect and trouble areas they might want to steer to avoid.
The unseasonally warm temperatures Thursday, Dec. 29, melted most of the snow and ice from the hill for the time being, meaning the sledding hill will need to wait for the next snowstorm to reopen once more.
Emily Reddish and a youth get into an impromptu snowball fight at the sledding hill.