MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2022 11:00 A.M.
(These are the minutes in their entirety. Archived minutes can be found at
The Board met in session at the Linn County Jean Oxley Public Service Center. Present: Vice Chairperson Zumbach and Supervisor Walker. Absent: Chairperson Rogers (personal business). Board members voting “AYE” unless otherwise note
Vice Chairperson Zumbach called the meeting to order.
Motion by Zumbach, seconded by Walker to approve minutes of November 15 & 16, 2022 as printed.
Motion by Zumbach, seconded by Walker to open a public hearing on the proposed plans, specifications, form of contract, and estimated total cost for the Linn County Secondary Road District #1 Shop – Phase 2 Project. There were no oral or written objections.
Darrin Gage, Dir. of Policy & Admin., explained the project.
Motion by Zumbach, seconded by Walker to close public hearing.
Motion by Zumbach, seconded by Walker to adopt Resolution 2022-11-178
A RESOLUTION GRANTING FINAL APPROVAL AND CONFIRMING THE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, FORM OF CONTRACT, AND ESTIMATED TOTAL COST FOR THE LINN COUNTY SECONDARY ROAD DISTRICT#1 SHOP – PHASE 2 PROJECT. WHEREAS, the Linn County, Iowa Board of Supervisors (the “Board”) on October 24, 2022 approved, in preliminary form, the proposed plans, specifications, form of contract, and estimated total project cost (the “Contract Documents”) prepared by Martin Gardner Architecture (the “Project Architect”) for the Linn County Secondary Road District #1 Shop – Phase 2 Project (the “Project”); and, WHEREAS, Linn County published a Notice of Public Hearing on the Contract Documents in accordance with Iowa Code Section 331.305 and Iowa Code Chapter 26; and, WHEREAS, the Board conducted a public hearing on the Contract Documents on November 21, 2022 in accordance with the published Notice of Public Hearing. BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Board hereby grants final approval to the Contract Documents referred to in this Resolution, and confirms the prior Board action granting preliminary approval to the Contract Documents, and finding the Project necessary and desirable.
Gage opened and read bids for the Linn County Secondary Road District #1 Shop – Phase 2 Project.
Motion by Zumbach, seconded by Walker to refer bids to Linn County staff and the project architect for review and tabulation.
Motion by Zumbach, seconded by Walker to approve the following Employment Change Roster (payroll authorizations):
Sharon Gonzalez Treasurer Termination/retirement 12/31/22
Brent Oleson Treasurer Transfer to Elected Official 01/01/23 40C $43.23 — $124,488.26/annually Replaces S. Gonzalez
Universal Account Clerk Geri Sinkey Termination/retirement 12/30/22
Deputy Sheriff Jacob Humphrey Termination/resignation 12/02/22
Youth Counselor Joseph Carmody Correction to wage – shift differential 11/14/22 36A $24.48 + $ .25
Tracker Paige Richert Correction to wage – shift differential 11/14/22 36A $24.48 + $ .25
Tracker Jade Irish Additional position 11/19/22 56A $21.42
Motion by Zumbach, seconded by Walker to appoint Cary Joe Hahn to the Linn County Veteran Affairs Commission for a term from 11/21/2022 – 6/30/2023.
The Board recessed at 11:15 a.m. and reconvened at 5:00 p.m. for the Public Forum for Fiscal Year 2024 Budget.
Sara Bearrows, Budget Dir., presented the following: rollbacks; initiatives (budgeting for outcomes process, General Fund balance of 25%, no increase in operations, additional requests through the offer process); 9.4% increase in health benefits; 4.5% increase for management salaries; RACOM funding offset by increase in investment earnings. Supervisor Zumbach asked for more details regarding department budgets to include categorization of expenditures by statutory, grant and discretionary.
Adjournment at 5:04 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
JOEL D. MILLER, Linn County Auditor
By: Rebecca Shoop, Deputy Auditor
and Amanda Hoy, Executive Assistant
Approved by:
LOUIS J. ZUMBACH, Vice Chairperson
Board of Supervisors
Published in the Sun, Dec. 1, 2022.
Linn BoS Nov 21 minutes
December 1, 2022