A draft of Lisbon’s Comprehensive Plan, titled Lisbon 2041, was recently released by Eastern Central Iowa Council of Government (ECICOG).
The final comprehensive plan will be approved by Lisbon City Council in January 2023, after a public hearing is held. Lisbon Planning and Zoning Commission will also review the plan at December’s meeting.
The 138-page report details findings from community meetings conducted in 2021 as part of the review, historic data on the community, and lays out a plan of implementation of goals for the City of Lisbon moving forward.
Some of the key goals outlined in the Comprehensive plan include:
Ensure growth continues in an efficient and orderly manner
Improve the appearance of the community
Expand recreation opportunities and improve existing parks
Support commercial and industrial development
Ensure the community offers a variety of housing options
Conserve natural resources and protect environmentally sensitive areas
Maintain a walkable community and support local and regional trail projects
Ensure the community takes advantage of the Hwy. 30 bypass
Collaborate with other units of government and organizations to serve Lisbon residents
Continue planning efforts to support goals from the comprehensive plan and other City priorities.
Each of those goals outlined has action steps or objectives the city council can work towards to fully implementing in the community over the next 20 years.
The comprehensive plan was developed through a number of community meetings in 2021, including Town Halls held in April and September at Lisbon City Hall. A resident survey was also conducted to coincide with the first town hall meeting in May 2021, with a diverse number of respondents providing input to ECICOG. Lisbon students were also allowed to contribute feedback in a similar survey, with more than 50 students providing an opinion.
As part of the comprehensive plan, ECICOG provided a potential population growth for the community of Lisbon, with the 0.37 percent annual growth, 0.82 percent growth and 1.26 percent annual growth projected. The annual growth rate in Linn County from 2010 to 2020 was roughly 0.97 percent annually. The lowest growth rate projected would see the population increase to 2,438, 2,688 for the midrate and 2,962 for the highest percent growth rate. That would be 205, 445 and 729 new residents in the community.
The full report is available on the City of Lisbon’s website.
If citizens have questions or comments on the plan, they can direct those via email to [email protected] or via phone at 319-289-0064.
Lisbon Comprehensive plan released
November 24, 2022
About the Contributor
Nathan Countryman, Editor
Nathan Countryman is the Editor of the Mount Vernon-Lisbon Sun.