Lisbon Schools will be hiring a part-time reading interventionist and part-time secretary for the activities department.
Lisbon superintendent Autumn Pino explained that the reading interventionist will work with students at the elementary level.
“We were looking at the staffing needs we were seeing this fall and came up with this solution,” Pino said.
Pino noted the secretarial position with activities director Brandon Horman will free him up, from some of the day-to-day operations in the position, to work on bigger picture items and have more involvement with students and their activities.
The position will be paid for with Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief III funds that Lisbon has received.
Pino said the position will work for the rest of this school year, and, at that point the district will review staffing needs to find what is needed for these two areas.
Elementary principal Justin Brown said the interventionist is needed, especially for work with early readers, as this can help students improve their rate of read at the elementary school level.
“While we do Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress for grades third through sixth, those tests do not look closely at our rate of read, and improving rate of read helps students,” Brown said. “We definitely have higher needs at elementary for interventions.”
Lisbon Schools hiring interventionist, secretary
November 17, 2022
About the Contributor
Nathan Countryman, Editor
Nathan Countryman is the Editor of the Mount Vernon-Lisbon Sun.