While it wasn’t an action item at November’s school board meeting, the members of the Lisbon School Board were in favor of offering early retirement options for teachers.
Business manager Laurie Maher said there were seven employees who would be eligible to take early retirement due to the length of time they have served the school.
Superintendent Autumn Pino said she could see both sides of the coin – in a time of teacher shortage is it a good idea to offer early retirement or should the board honor the work teachers have given to the district with the programs.
Board president Jen Caspers said she thought it was a great thank you to be able to give and offer employees of the district.
Board member Abbe Stensland said that by getting notification someone is taking early retirement early in the spring, it allows the district to beginning to work on hiring sooner.
“I don’t feel right telling people they can’t retire if they have the ability to do that,” Stensland said.
Board member Allan Mallie also said he was for offering the program.
The board has in the past set a number of employees who can take early retirement at one time, and the board has offered early retirement for several years in a row.
Early retirement option looking to be offered
November 17, 2022
About the Contributor
Nathan Countryman, Editor
Nathan Countryman is the Editor of the Mount Vernon-Lisbon Sun.