Cold storage buildings will be rebidThe cold storage buildings at the Bryant work site will be rebid.
V and K Engineering asked for the bids to be rejected, as the lowest bidder for the construction project came in at $645,000, roughly $100,000 over engineer’s estimates.
Council member Craig Engel asked why bids were so high for the project. City administrator Chris Nosbisch said a good portion of bids at the moment were higher due to acquiring materials. The city had also wanted to try and have the building constructed prior to Dec. 1 this year, which was a tighter time table.
Nosbisch said he and V and K were optimistic that a few more bidders might apply for the project if it was rebid.
Brad Robison of Robison Construction said he hadn’t submitted a review for the project, mainly because of the engineering specifications and questions he had on the site work needed. The city clarifying those questions before the next bid process would help others looking to bid on the project.
Bridge repairs approved at $111,000Repairs to the bridge along First Street West that crosses the Union Pacific Railroad have been approved at $111,720.
While the project is roughly $30,000 over the engineer’s estimate, it is still within the original planned expense of $180,000 the city had earmarked for the repair, city administrator Chris Nosbisch said.
Jasper Construction Services, Inc., was the lowest of four bidders for the project.
The bridge repairs are slated to take between six to eight weeks, and the city doesn’t know how soon the project will begin, nor how long the road could be closed for the repairs until the initial meeting with the contractor.
Repair work at Springville Road’s crossing with the Union Pacific railroad is being completed, meaning the road would be open to detour traffic.
Council approves several public hearings for Sept. 19 meetingThe City of Mount Vernon has set a number of public hearings for Monday, Sept. 19.
Several of the hearings are for overlay districts for city buildings or properties and are being completed just to clean up proper zoning for those areas not completed in the past.
One of the hearings is changing language for membership on who can serve on the Mount Vernon Historic Preservation Commission. While there are several members of the community who would be interested in serving, they do not own a home in a historic district.
“Several of those people own or work in the Mount Vernon business district, however, which is one of the historic districts,” city administrator Chris Nosbisch said.
City approves inspection of sanitary sewer linesMount Vernon has approved a $105,251.92 contract with Hydro-Klean, LLC to investigate sanitary sewer lines.
The project is approved with funding the city received from Linn County’s distribution of American Rescue Plan funding.
City administrator Chris Nosbisch said the project would allow the city to investigate more than 80 percent of the older sanitary sewer systems in the community.
“It will allow us to identify the problem areas, where there’s separation of our sewer system and help us prioritize which sewer sections need to have improvements made,” Nosbisch said.
MV City Council briefs Sept. 15
September 15, 2022