The next meetings on the Mount Vernon Mustangs Activities complex will be Monday, July 11.
From 5 to 6:30 p.m., administrators and members of the design team of the activities complex will be available to meet with community members to review the latest updates on the project design.
At the July 11 school board meeting, the lead engineer will provide a project update to the school board regular meeting.
Administrators and individuals from the engineering team will also be available from 7 to 7:30 p.m. for questions following the board presentation.
Donations from individuals are still being collected for the project. If you would like to donate to the project, contact foundation director Taryn Kuntz.
“I want to remind everyone that while the School Board has approved the financial and project plan for the proposed Mustang Activities Complex, their final approval does not take place until they approve the project construction bid,” said superintendent Greg Batenhorst. “The project cannot move forward until the Board approves a financially viable bid for construction of the project. Currently, we anticipate taking the project out for the bidding process in August, and will receive formal bids for consideration in September. We remain open for feedback and questions throughout the planning process, so please consider joining us to learn more on July 11.”
If you cannot join us on that day, please reach out to Batenhorst at [email protected].
Next meetings on Mustang activities complex July 11
July 7, 2022