Lisbon salaries have been set for the fiscal year.
Lisbon city administrator Brandon Siggins said that full time and part time employees will see a 2.5 percent increase effective July 1.
For Siggins, that amounts to an $87,125 salary, parks and recreation director Drayton Kamberling a $46,699.65 salary and Lisbon-Mount Vernon ambulance director Jacob Lindauer a $61,600.86 salary.
Chris Rodman’s (public works II) hourly rate will be $26.978, Ryan Stoneking’s (public works I) hourly rate $21.72, Travis Bagby’s (public works director) $41.121, Jacob Siggins’ (public works I) 22.378, Christina Eicher’s (city clerk/treasurer) $25.971, Marsha Lasack’s (utility billing clerk) $19.475, and Douglas Drahos’ (janitorial staff) $15.375.
Staff for the Lisbon Library will see a six percent increase, as recommended by the Library Board. The library board was trying to bring salaries in range with libraries of Lisbon’s size. That brings library assistant Barb Geinzer to $21.783 hourly , library director Amy White $25.567, library assistant Carol Daly $15.688, library assistant Diane McAfee $15.688, janitorial Lisa Hinrichs $15.412 and library assistant Vicki Ellsworth $15.688.
Lisbon staff salaries set for 2023
June 23, 2022
About the Contributor
Nathan Countryman, Editor
Nathan Countryman is the Editor of the Mount Vernon-Lisbon Sun.