They were off and back to the finish line almost as soon as they left Saturday, at the second annual Point 5K event in uptown Mount Vernon Saturday, June 4.
The top three finishers in each age group recieved chocolate medals, wrapped in gold, silver and bronze colored foil.
As well, all participants recieved a decal and Yoo-Hoo and granola bars.
More than 20 runners and walkers took part in the race, which took from Mount Vernon City Hall to Memorial Park and back again, utilizing the sidewalks between the two locations.
Cheers went up from a number of attendees of the Chocolate Stroll as racers sped by Saturday morning.
The top adult finishers were all visitors, many with ties to Collins Aerospace in Cedar Rapids and wanting to do something fun while visiting Iowa.
As a special treat, the last three finishers also received medals in the event. (Your news editor was the final finisher in said event)
The top three finishers in the adult division bite their medals following the completion of the Point 5K.