Community meeting about Wolf’s new CO2 pipelineMany in our community have been concerned about carbon sequestration ever since Navigator CO2 Ventures proposed their project last November. While it appears that Navigator has now withdrawn from much of Linn County, recently Wolf Carbon Solutions proposed a new CO2 pipeline that would go through our area. The corridor that Wolf has identified for their project is even larger than Navigator’s proposed route. If you are a landowner in southern Linn County, northern Johnson County, or central Cedar County, you may be affected.
All of the landowners with whom I’ve spoken are as opposed to Wolf’s CO2 pipeline as they were to Navigator’s project. We are concerned about our safety, eminent domain, impact on the land, unsound federal energy policy, and the fact that ADM doesn’t actually need to use carbon sequestration to lower their carbon footprint (their own report shows other, more impactful ways to accomplish this).
We want to invite you to a meeting about these issues. We have rented facilities at Southeast Linn Community Center (108 South Washington Street, in Lisbon) for 10 a.m. Saturday, May 14. I will be making a 25-minute presentation about carbon sequestration and our concerns. This will be a fact-based presentation based on reports filed with governmental agencies, academic research, and industry publications. All sources will be shown so that you have every opportunity to follow up on what is presented and make up your own mind about the issue. (Those of you who have already seen my YouTube video, “Against Navigator Pipeline,” should know that the May 14 presentation will have lots of new information.) We will also look at Wolf’s map and open up for questions or comments.
Thanks for taking an interest in an issue that impacts our community! We can make a difference when we come together and share information. We look forward to seeing you on May 14.
Jessica Wiskus, Lisbon
Letter to editor – Wolf pipeline
May 5, 2022