Linn Soil and Water Conservation District and Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation invites landowners to a free legal workshop on agriculture law, conducted by Prof. Neil Hamilton, founding director of Drake’s Agriculture Law Center.
The workshop is today from 9 a.m. until noon, at Lowe Park Arts and Education Center in Marion.
Topics to be covered will include such issues as: fence law, drainage, farm tenancy, land use, conservation easements, soil and water conservation, and related subjects such as water law and environmental law.
“This workshop covers important topics for every Iowa landowner, but I, especially encourage women landowners to attend,” Linn SWCD commissioner Laura Krouse said.
For more information about the locations of the workshops, and to register, visit the Center’s website at:
Email Laura Krouse with additional questions at [email protected].
Conservation easements, soil and water conservation discussed at law workshop today
April 14, 2022