The council approved a $55,296 contract with L.L. Pelling to complete sealcoating to a number of roads in the City of Lisbon.
The streets to be sealcoated this year include Monroe Street from Market Street to Fifth Street, Fifth Street from Washington Street to Monroe, South Street from Penn to Eby, Eby Street from South Street to Main Street, Franklin Street from Main Street to South Street, Iowa Street from Main Street to South Street, Jackson Street from Business 30 to Cemetary Street and Cemetary Street gravel to Washington Street. Grant Street from Jackson Street to Washington Street and Lincoln Street from Jackson Street to Washington Street will have some cold mix patching work completed.
Lisbon public works director Travis Bagby said many of these roads have not had repairs for more than five years, and many of them are showing damage that needs to be addressed.
Council member Mike Williams asked if there could be investigation for using more asphalt on some of these roads that see heavier truck traffic to try and give them a longer shelf life.
“We all know sealcoat is going to break whenever a heavy truck drives on this,” Williams said. “I’m just wanting us to explore ways to economically increase the amount of life we can get on our roads.”
Street sealcoating to move forward
April 7, 2022
About the Contributor
Nathan Countryman, Editor
Nathan Countryman is the Editor of the Mount Vernon-Lisbon Sun.