Week ten, which was also the second funnel week, has come to a close. Here are thehighlights!
This week, we passed three pieces of legislation to increase Iowans’ access to mental health care. One of the biggest hurdles in getting Iowans access to care, is the need for more providers, particularly for the most high-need patients. Iowa ranks 44th in the nation for psychiatrists per capita. Increasing access to mental health care is a huge priority for Iowans and these bills will help more Iowans get the care they deserve. House File 2529 appropriates funding for 12 new psychiatry residencies at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics (UIHC). The residencies will prioritize Iowans in the application process. House File 2549 establishes a mental health practitioner loan repayment program for Iowans that agree to practice in Iowa for at least five years. House File 2546 requires Iowa Medicaid to establish a rate for psychiatric intensive care in Iowa. This will ensure that the health care professionals providing care for the most difficult mental health patients are being compensated appropriately.
The latest revenue projections from the state’s Revenue Estimating Committee provided further proof of this. General Fund revenue is expected to come in even stronger than what the three-member panel projected in December. For the current fiscal year, state revenues are expected to be $9.1711 billion through June 30. That amount is $110.5 million higher than what the REC had forecast at their December meeting. The new forecast expects state revenue to grow by 4.2% for the year. This means there will be even more money in the Taxpayer Relief Fund than expected when the Legislature passed tax cuts earlier this session. The fund is now projected to finish Fiscal Year 2022 with a balance of over $2 billion.
Recently, House File 2527 moved out of the House Economic Growth Committee. This bill is the Governor’s workforce bill and includes many provisions related to Iowa veterans. The goal of this bill is to make Iowa the best place for veterans to live and work following their service.
It is an honor to be in Des Moines representing District 95 and the people of Iowa. I encourage my constituents to contact me using my legislative email with any comments, questions, or concerns. I look forward to another great week of representing the people of District 95!
From the Statehouse: Mental health care legislation advances, revenue projections higher than expected
Charlie McClintock
House District 95
March 24, 2022