YTT has finished their design for the Third Avenue entrance for the Lisbon sports complex, and the company will let the project out to bids after a public hearing March 14.
Lisa Burch of YTT said she was leaning towards option three of the project, which would maintain the road connections on Jefferson Street and Third Avenue West to access the park, stretching the Third Avenue connection from the park from Washington Street to Walnut Street. The development will also stub water, sewer and wastewater line connections as part of the project to help prepare Third Avenue to continue further west.
The complex would have the soccer fields, as well as two full size baseball fields that could be used for competitive baseball, softball or t-ball games. Overflow parking would be allowed on the grass.
While option one would have bid the project to one entity, option three bids the infrastructure and proper grading of the sports complex ground to contractors who specialize in that work, and then offers a smaller project for companies that specialize in the irrigation for fields or building the baseball fields.
“Some of these contractors who can bid on grading don’t know about building a baseball field, but they know how to install infrastructure and grade a piece of ground extremely well,” Burch said.
Lisbon city administrator Brandon Siggins said the city could look to save between $50,000 in bids by letting the project as YTT was proposing with option 3.
Burch said work on this project would begin later this spring and into the summer.
“We probably won’t have the vegetation ready to go for games of soccer this fall, but this sporting complex will be ready for next spring,” Burch said.