The League of Women Voters January 15 legislative forum is moving to virtual audience participation. Voter Services Co-chair Carolyn Stephenson says “the covid cases are too high to hold an in-person audience for the forum, public safety is a priority.”
The January 15 at the Kirkwood Regional Center, 1770 Boyson Rd. in Hiawatha will be conducted with only the legislators, moderator, timer and a few committee members present; there will not be an in-person audience.
To view the live forum from 10:30-11:45 am, go to and click on LWV Linn County Legislative Forum. Additionally, the forums will be recorded and available for later viewing.
The direct audience link for live streaming is
To submit questions, go to the Legislative Forum Survey form on the League of Women Voters Linn County website at by the Thursday, January 13. Each monthly forum has recommended question topics which will be given priority. The question topics for the January forum are currently posted on the League’s website. Questions on other topics will be addressed as time allows.
All area legislative representatives and Senators have been invited to participate: House District 65 Representative Liz Bennett, House District 66 Representative Art Staed, House District 67 Representative Eric Gjerde, House District 68 Representative Molly Donahoe, House District 69 Kirsten Running-Marquardt, House District 70 Representative Tracy Ehlert, Representative House District 95 Representative Charlie McClintock, Senate District 33 Senator Rob Hogg, Senate District 34 Senator Liz Mathis, Senate District 35 Senator Todd Taylor and Senate District 48 Senator Dan Zumbach
The forums are conducted by league members and community volunteers under LWV forum guidelines. The League of Women Voters of Linn County conducts the forums as part of its voter education program. The League of Women Voters Linn County is a non-profit volunteer political organization that neither supports or opposes any candidate or political party, encourages citizen participation in government and is open to everyone 16 years and older.
Legislative Forum moving virtual Jan. 15
January 13, 2022