The Lisbon Lions wrestling squad notched victories Thursday, Dec. 16, at Midland, knocking off Midland 68-12, Ed-Co 72-12, and Monticello 68-6.
Lion senior Lincoln Holub recorded his 100th win on the night.
“We wrestled really well,” said Lions coach Brad Smith. “We dominated in all positions.”
Lisbon vs. Edgewood-ColesburgLisbon made sort work of Edgewood Colesburg, with a 72-12 win.
In the win, the Lions got wins from Wesley Sadler (106), Quincy Happel (126), Tiernan Boots (132), Cade Siebrecht (138), Indy Harbaugh (145), Junior Krob (152), Lincoln Holub (160), Max Kohl (182), Jamien Moore (195), Indy Ferguson (220), Wyatt Smith (285).
Lisbon vs. Midland The Lions won over Midland 68-12.
In the win, Lions Holub, Ferguson, Paez, Happel, Boots, Siebrecht and Harbaugh grappled to victory.
Max Kohl, Smith, Sadler, Lucas Capron (113), and Junior Krob had bye wins in the match.
Lisbon vs. Monticello
Lisbon also grappled out to a 68-6 victory over Monticello.
In the win, wrestlers Moore, Ferguson, Sadler, Happel, Boots, Siebrecht, Krob and Holub grappled to victory. Kohl, Smith, Paez, Harbaugh, and Butteris all had bye wins in the match.
Lincoln Holub nabbed his 100th wrestling win in play earlier last week.