Council approves Rural Return Program grant for LibraryThe council approved a resolution of support for the Friends of the Lisbon Public Library in order to apply for a Rural Return Program Grant for the Imagination Library program. The Friends will utilize the grant application to help financially support the Imagination Library program. The Rural Return Grant is $1,000 at minimum to $20,000 maximum on request. The grants are a catch match for the community, with the Friends having to contribute half the amount of the grant they receive. The grant application deadline is Dec. 1, with funding being received Jan. 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023. The Friends will be notified of receiving any amount by Dec. 22
Changing History Center Foundation Board membershipThe City of Lisbon will be amending the number of board members who can serve on the Lisbon History Center Foundation Board.
Currently, the Foundation Board has a requirement of no fewer than 7 members and no greater than 15 members.
Eric Yarborough with the Lisbon History Center Foundation would like the membership number to be lowered to no less than five members.
“We have a core of six strong members on the board, but because we don’t have a seventh member, we can’t make any decisions for the foundation,” Yarborough said.
A first reading of the ordinance change will be made at the Monday, Dec. 13, council meeting.
No meeting for Dec. 27The Lisbon City Council will also not plan for a meeting to be held Monday, Dec. 27.
Lisbon City council briefs
December 2, 2021