Area organizations will be honoring the Veterans Day holiday this Thursday (today).
Lisbon Schools will be hosting an in-person Veterans Day ceremony in the Lion’s Den at 9:30 a.m. today (Thursday, Nov. 11).
All veterans are welcome to attend the assembly. The school will have reserved seating for veterans and their families at the event. Community members are also welcome to attend.
Guest speaker at the Lisbon event this year will be Col. Anthony G. Polashek.
Polashek is the commander of the 934th Airlift Wing located at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport Air Reserve Station, Minnesota. The nearly 1,800-member wing is equipped with eight C-130-H3 cargo aircraft which support combatant commanders with all-weather aerial delivery missions by airdrop or airland operations into prepared or unprepared areas. In addition, the wing also provides aeromedical evacuation and supports worldwide airlift and Expeditionary Combat Support where required in support of joint service and coalition partners around the world. The Air Reserve Station supports approximately 6,000 personnel, including Air National Guard, Army Reserve, Marine Reserve, Joint Reserve Intelligence Center and Naval Operations Support Center personnel, which is the largest military presence in the state of Minnesota.
According to Legion commander Michael Woods, the Mount Vernon American Legion will be holding a short Veterans Day service at the Mount Vernon city cemetery at 11 a.m. today (Thursday, Nov. 11). The service will consist of an invocation, short remarks, presenting the wreath and bouquet and a salute to the fallen. Service should take no more than 45 minutes.
The Legion representatives will then join residents at Hallmark Care Center/Cherry Ridge Independent Living for a reprise of the Legion’s annual Veterans Day visit to thank veterans who reside in those locations.
Veterans Day celebrations slated for today
November 11, 2021