I’ve been selfish.
Being editor of the Sun is one of the best jobs in the world and I’ve been hogging it. It’s time to share.
It’s time to begin the move closer to family in Minnesota, and I chose to start the process sooner rather than later. My last day is Friday, Nov. 12.
The Sun is in great hands as Nathan Countryman has been officially promoted to editor. The truth is, he’s been doing the editor job for a while now, as I’ve been focused on the Solon Economist.
He’ll be working with an amazing, talented, caring team here, Jana, Rochelle, Trent, Ann, Dan, Erica.
But I really know the paper will thrive because of you. From the beginning, I know any possible claim to success is because this community has valued and supported the Sun.
Because of elected officials and city and school staff who recognize the vital role a newspaper has in building a strong community. People who care about transparency and take the time to walk us through complicated issues.
Because of community members who share their wonderful stories and pictures on a volunteer basis.
Because of a long line of editors, reporters, photographers, owners, sales people, graphic artists and publishers who laid a strong foundation.
Because of scores of co-workers who built skyscrapers on it.
I’m not sure I ever told this story here.
Before the Sun, I was a sportswriter at a daily paper in New Mexico. My story about a Connie Mack World Series team included one of my favorite sentences I ever wrote.
“Houston is the stealth team: confined to the early games and inside pages.”
I remember it particularly, because the next day the Houston coach quoted my words back to me: “Like the paper said, we’ve been under the radar, off the front page.”
I wanted to respond: “Not the paper, Me, Me. I was the one who said that.”
There’s truth to both versions of authorship. The paper did say that. The paper, as an institution that has been around long before any of its current staff and, hopefully, long after. A voice for the community outside of a particular writer.
But the great beauty of this community is you’ve always recognized the fact that the paper is created by people. It is the summation of hundreds of decisions made by real human beings. And like everything created by humans, imperfect.
You’ve been fair in your criticisms, holding me responsible for my choices but forgiving honest mistakes.
Thank you for being understanding of imperfections, for supporting the institution, for demanding a newspaper this community deserves.
And thank you for allowing me to tell your stories. It’s truly been a privilege.
It’s been a privilege
Margaret Stevens
[email protected]
November 11, 2021