Halloween is almost upon us, and both Lisbon and Mount Vernon will have trick-or-treating hours Sunday.
For motorists, this is a stark reminder to be extra mindful out on the roads.
According to the National Safety Council, children are more than twice as likely to be hit by a car on Halloween than on any other day of the year.
Motorists should keep an eye out for children walking on the roadways, medians and curbs on Halloween especially.
Be especially mindful when entering and exiting driveways.
Safe Kids Worldwide recommends drivers turn on headlights early in the day to help motorists to spot kids from further away, and slow down their speed, as kids are excited on the holiday and likely to dart into the street.
Of course, drivers are not the only ones who should take actions on Halloween.
Safe Kids Worldwide also recommends that trick or treaters carry glow sticks, flashlights or use reflective tape or stickers on costumes and bags to help make them more visible to motorists.
The National Safety Council recommends that young trick-or-treaters are accompanied by a responsible adult. If older children are going trick-or-treating alone, a route for trick or treating should be reviewed before trick or treating begins and a specific time children should return home should be established.
All trick-or-treaters should avoid using electronic devices while trick or treating so they can pay attention to any hazards and walk, don’t run, when crossing the street.
Those unvaccinated from COVID-19 should also play things carefully, which includes a number of youth. If you are in settings indoors where proper social distancing can not be followed, wear a mask.
Elections are Tuesday: Get
out and voteWell, it’s finally here.
The school board and city council elections, that is. Polls will be open for the general election Tuesday, Nov. 2, from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Over the past two weeks, the Sun has run candidate profiles answered by the candidates on our pages. In Mount Vernon, the League of Women Voters held candidate forums with the school board and city council candidates.
Now, it’s your turn, citizens.
Get out and vote. Make your voice heard and choose who you want to represent you in your local school board and councils.
Because the decisions these candidates make? These are the decisions that will have immediate impacts in your own lives, and these candidates are also going to be the people you can voice your questions and concerns on items on the school board and city council agendas.